Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

OK, crazy day, I got a guy from the UK that wants to buy the car, I'm all paranoid about this, my friend did one to France a few years back & says a lot go over there, gonna go to my bank tomorrow & have them walk me through what a legit deal looks like & how to proceed.
kind of a bitter sweet moment, been trying to sell over a year now, but I still hate to see her go.
Well please root for me for a smooth deal with no funny business!
I opened a seperate account just for this &
So far so good, the money is pending in the new account, will wait till it clears then move it out, once that's done I will contact the buyer to go ahead & set up the shipper.
Please let this go without a hitch, I need some good news about now!
rusty....i feel your issues right now as i have a cream puff of an alfa sale pending money transfer, its less than i want but......with everything going on in life i need the funds im taking a big loss (by almost half)but with all the talking back n forth i feel its going to a good fingers crossed, sale should go thru on the 8th
How do you protect yourself when you have to give them your acc # to make the transfer?
Maybe I'm just paranoid, but with all the scams going on I don't trust anyone!
I'm just so glad I retired before this crazyness started, I feel for the people that have to be out there daily, not so much for the covid , but what it has done to "normal" , I kinda liked my old "normal"
So far so good, money cleared yesterday, today I drained the new account & put it in another.
gave him the go ahead to set up shipping, now I wait for the call from the shippers.
Gonna be a lot of mixed feelings when I watch that get hauled away, but now I can move along on the 74 & not worry about spreading out my buys!
Have a printout of your account balance and keep it handy as the shipper is loading it. When those "mixed feelings" occur just glance at your account balance. 😁
yea, that money will make it a lot easier with the wifey when I start buying the big stuff.
I got lucky when the guy started asking about how firm the price was I just ran through my cost, the fact that today that wouldn't even do it & he agreed to full price, I didn't think it would be that easy & I probably would have dropped a few grand, so at 27,500 not much happened, at 25 a bit more action & then this guy saw it so all in all even though I waited a year I would say I did pretty good for what the car is.
So far it cost me 30 bucks, 15 for each wire transfer!
i think ill have more feels when my lil alfa goes away than you will on that fish...i built this one up for a friend who i lost to cancer before it could be delivered..he bought it on my inspection and never once actualy saw the car in anything but pics..he did get to hear it run over the phone....
What might be the last day of outdoor painting was put to good use, got 4 coats of blocking primer on the hood 20211118_151746.jpg& later shot the guide coat, already see some low spots that I think are a tad deeper than the 4 coats, see how much black is left after I get the sanding going? 20211118_152200.jpg
Sanded about 99% of that off & she was still pretty rough, applied some spot putty & Today while the garage was warming up I finished sanding out the spot putty...........20211121_122529.jpgThen I cleaned & heated the hood with the heat gun, garage itself was warm enough by then & shot the last of my primer, came up a bit short only 2 coats, then my friend gives me almost a full gallon & would not take a dime for it! (stuffs about 100 a gal) anyway will heat things up again tomorrow & shoot another coat or 2, hoping that will get it "ready for paint" ?
At least it's all one color for the moment! 20211122_140519.jpg
All one color AGAIN!!! but it turns out the primer he gave me was black, which probably means even if it's perfect (which I highly doubt) I have to shoot at least one coat of gray, I'm afraid it will make the blue darker?
What do you think Resto?
Then after messing with 3 companies, nobody knows there job or just doesn't care , I finally found one with everything on line, all the adapters I needed, & the price was even a little lower, the rotisserie is ordered, cost almost as much as I paid for the car.
I shot some silver as my guide coat on this.
too bad the car is not black, they do look good in black.20211123_141352.jpg
If the paint colour isn't somewhat opaque, you should have no problems with differing shades of colour over different primers. You might have to apply more coats of colour, though...
When I pick up my next can it will be gray, to be safe I'll shoot the hood to have the same colors on all the skin. I'll use up the black when I do the bottom of the car, which now that the rotisserie is coming isn't a pipe dream anymore, undercoating can be stripped in the nice frozen wasteland the yard is becoming!

