Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Sanded forever, just got to 400, ran outta time & arms, gotta hit the edges & then 600, but I'm seein the other prime a bit, feels smooth, will post a closup out in the main section w/ the question, but heres the top in 400 (AGAIN) [smilie=e:


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Nice work once again! [smilie=e:
So a light fogging of the black is what one uses as a guide ?
Need to do this myself pretty soon,nice to see the process!
Beeper, I've seen guys just make X's on the panels, but not knowing the guality of my bodywork i figgered I'd fog the whole thing, just adds MORE sanding to the process i guess!
May want to check out..

3M's Dry guidecoat, it works great, and a lot easier to use as well. It's all we use. Not to expensive either. Also saw your post on blocking, I would go ahead and reprime, I don't quite know why these products are being used, so I can't comment on how they work. If I Was doing it and your panels are like they are I probably would have sprayed some polyester primer to use for blocking, builds fast. Also for your block, you may want to look into a set of flexible blocks, kind of expnesive, but worth it. Your block with the foam base is really to soft for what your doing.
Thanks GC, I have the small rubber blocks, will look into a couple of longer ones .
Reason for all the por 15 is because it was a total rustbucket, remaining metal has some thin spots,figured it couldn't hurt to coat both sides???
I'm not even sure what brand guide coat I have, will check! Thanks again, Rich.

Spray guide coat works fine, and is a must for wet sanding, which maybe is what you are doing, but for all my blocking(which I do dry) I use the dry guide coat. Go check out sanding blocks on That will give you an idea of what I'm talking about.
The blocks I've collected so far & half a blockin job on the fender!


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[smilie=e: She's finally up on the rotis, can't spin her myself yet(too low) hope to deal with that tomorrow, but she's airborne!


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My "junk" yard is gettin a new look, movin stuff around in prep for the "tent" if it ever gets here, preparing for the ultimate in back woods resto shops! [smilie=e: Rich.


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Got the rotis higher today, enough(well it's limit anyway) to spin it myself(barely) but it's workable!


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Cleanup has begun,uuuggghhh! forgot how much work this was! [smilie=e:


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You rule [smilie=e: [smilie=e:

don't forget to take a day off to watch some jiggly [smilie=b: at the nudie bar [smilie=e:
Hey a couple a nuts gave me an idea, or is it they made a comment that all they saw on my posts was little pieces, well I dug up a couple that were posted elsewere but figgered them long dead, so heres a couple a shots that give you the bigger picture, Rich.


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