Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

& a coat a por15, ran outta black which of course would be much pertier, but funds are low & clear was on hand!
Now this was the last major patch to be done, still gotta grind out all the rush jobs from the end of last year, but now I gotta work on gettin it up on the rotis, should make that work easier, then clean up any old metal on the bottom(not too much there) & up under the roof(not lookin foward to that) & then its por, prime & block for the forseeable future!Rich.


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Such fantastic dedication!! Great stuff Rusty, you are what keeps us inspired!!
Got this one (full apron I cut the back section off)at year one, most of the other parts from auto body specialtys. Rich.
Underside of hood gettin a little smoother, not gonna go too crazy where the insulation goes, but would like to cover up the pits on the rest, there not too deep now but still around all the bracing . hit the other parts with 600 wet, looks like mabye another coat a prime needed, will wait for ron or charger man to take a look, they are close, but sanded through in a few very small spots!


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Shot some more primer & worked on the mounts for the rotis, rear mounts are not gonna work on my car, got the fronts ready to go, now I had to drill clear through the rail cause the nuts in the rail broke off on a couple, will weld in a stud later to mount bumper brackets & grind ends off in eng bay so the bolts don't stick in there.
drilled thru.
of course my bolt holes are not on an even plane so I had to drill the bracket way up high, but it should work?
rotis mount in place!


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Gonna have to make up some adapters to mount to the rear, where the normal bumper bolts go, that may take some time, oh well back to sandin , plenty too do, won't hold me up!
heres a fun one, last broken bolt to drill out, burned up all my bits, so this ain't done yet either!


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Up down all around, but not on the rotis & may not be for a while, we're gonna either make the adaptors or have Cmans dad do it(machine shop) but Cman may use it once more before me, wants to paint the bottom of the car!(again,possible color change).
K, so I went back to drillin that broken bolt out & was workin the last drill bit & the welds on the nut gave way, dang, shoulda just poped it & drilled through to the other side in the first place! [smilie=e:
wet sanded on the fenders & hood for bout 4 hours, the end in NOT near! [smilie=e:
welded in my home made hood mt bracket so at least the eng bay is ready to sand off the drips(from coating the other side of everything) & prime, don't know when but at least it's bout ready!
K, the mandatory pics!


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Nother round a sandin, header is good to go(on top) fender will NEVER be done!


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