Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

well paint stripper aint gonna do it on the front valence, would you consider this a "touch" a putty! found a little on the header panel, got called away on a no heat call so more may still be found!
First rounds a stripper being washed off(did the back of the rear valence)
Last thing I was workin on was grinding out that putty, geeze I think the whole gallon was on there!


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K, I had created the "Great fog" yesterday am to blow all the "resto" chit outta my garage then started on that valence with front door open & a fan blowin the "bondo" out! still dust everywhere, so today 1/1/04 mind you I put on a LIGHT jacket & set up outside to grind off the rest a the bondo & neatly dispersed the residue over the town of emerson!
a bit a progress!


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Got a little chilly after the sun decided to take a dive on me so moved back inside for a couple more rounds a stripper, fronts /tops are done cept for edges & tight spots, backs are bout 1/2 way there, they are gonna be a PITA! [smilie=e: Rich.


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(Not very) RUSTY Cuda said:
dust everywhere, so today 1/1/04 mind you I put on a LIGHT jacket & set up outside to grind off the rest a the bondo & neatly dispersed the residue over the town of emerson!
a bit a progress!
no one will ever notice the dust all over their cars and houses, so, go for it...
K, por15'd the header panel & real valence, started on the reforming of the front, this baby was used as a shield on one of sadams tanks, not sure i can save it but good practice, if i get it close I'll use it for now! Rich


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Smokers! put down the butt before you shoot with a digi camera! [smilie=e: Rich.


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what may have been the last painting day for a while turned out mixed results, start with some a the good ones, got the next coat a primer on the hood, next wet sand 400, & shot the rear valence with it's first coat.


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Now the not so good, that front valence is beyond complete repair, hammered on it for 2 days, she's so bent near the edges she'll never be her old self again, this is trying to show how bad it still is


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Put a skim coat a mud on it , if it even comes close to decent I'm gonna use it for now, just too much other stuff needed thats more important at the moment!
Sanded 90% of it off, considering I ground off a gallon a bondo, I think I will put back a pint, so the first SOB that crawls under there to "inspect" & makes an unfavorable comment will never get up, just turn the key & run his a$$ over! [smilie=e:


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Yes it's still wavy, but it will have to do for now, just can't see puttin an inch a mud back on!
Now more good results, here's the dent in the header panel!


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of corse it's right over all the brackets, so no rear accesss & my pin spotter wasn't strong enough to pull it, so ole rusty got out the leadin stuff & played with fire a bit!


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Oh yea!!!!! Got the goodies today, first order from year one arrived, now where am i gonna store all this stuff! [smilie=e: Rich.


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Trying to find some indoor work that , A) won't poison my family. B) won't cause a divorce & C) can be packed away at the end of the day(have no real basement so I mean in the House)
Console was it for this week, took it apart & gave it a bath(yes in the tub)
before "bath"


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washed out the tub( I mean real good) & took it downstairs to work on it , got the wood grain on, boss glossed the plastic, got all the hardware in the tumbler now, next trip up the stairs the wife was washin the tub again [smilie=e: Next time I'll just leave it dirty, [smilie=e: she always does chit like that, so why bother if she's gonna do it again anyway! [smilie=e:
K back to the important stuff, it's got a few blemishes, but not bad for 30 yrs old!


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OH YEA now were talkin, covered in putty dust & wet sandin residue, got some good wiffs a urathane filler & por15, 4 1/2 hours a heaven ,I ain't gonna shower for a week!
Now what did I do you ask, well glad you did, got the hood wetsanded in 400, I think one more coat a prime & 600 & she's there! worked that short body line I lost on the fender, puttied the lead job on the header panel sanded that & the front valence, hit those 2 with a final coat a por15!
Here's the bad line, patch panel weld was just below, guess that is why I lost it!Rich.


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Charger man stopped buy to show me how to work it, tape line on top, putty bottom to line, remove tape before it dries............


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