Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

You're going to have one hell of a nice car when all is said and done.

Well it will be solid, that much I can guarannnnntee, after that it's all questionable, it will be the best i can make it, & thats fine for me!
can't seem to talk without postin a pic, so here 's the ole floor pans! [smilie=e: Rich.


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Little rainy day putzin, had put the door hinges on before they were coated to fit the quarter seam, so today I pulled em & cleaned em up AGAIN, not too bad, took one set apart for the rebuild.


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Tops look easy, bushings fit in nice, but the bottoms? set I took apart had NO bushings or sign thereof, & very little play???? new bushings look big for the hole, other lower( not apart yet has bushings??) are there different types? Rich.
the ole coat a .....................


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cuda's got a roof, now all i gotta do is get her some shoes on her feet!


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No bushing in the bottom, though I woudl recommend bushing them while you are at it.
Guess someone did the other lower then, cause they are there, rebuild kit came with 8 so i guess all i gotta do is drill out the the one lower! Thanks. having one each way was a bit of a headscratcher! Rich.
got the door hinges rebuilt, the clear upper was fine,but of course nothin goes smooth.......
here's the good ones!


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& now the problem child, seems over the years someone did drill one lower for bushings, but only 1 of the pieces & way too big!


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They had cut the bushings in half & they were way big for the pin [smilie=e: guess another part hunt is in my future! [smilie=e:
new bush & rubes job!


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& a coat a por15 on the front section, bout a foot & a half done, bout 10 to go! [smilie=e:


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Ruster, take that bored out hinge to the local auto parts jobber or body shop and have someone fit bushings for other cars. You may get lucky and find an oversized one to fit.
Thanks 68, I'll try that if I can't locate one, I'd then have to drill the other half of that hinge to match, & it doesn't leave a lot a metal , might be weak??? Rich.
Hunting for a replacement hinge doesn't look like an ideal thing to search for. Year One shows that all e-bods use the same hinge but each one is position specific. There is NO interchange from side-to-side or upper-to-lower. :(
One other alternative, any half-decent welder could fill the hole and then use the other hole or even another hinge to locate and re-drill the correct sized hole.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm half decent welder????
68 my uppers are identical to each other, as are the lowers, I couldn't tell which side to put em on????
Maybe I'll try the weldin thing, brings up another question, how much copper is in those bushings, will the weld stick to brass? if i could figger a way to set the bushing in place & then weld around it, What ya think?
They're bronze, no welding to them. Get a piece of scrap the same thickness cut & grind to fill the hole, chamfer the edges of the filler piece and both sides of the hole. Put the filler in, weld and grind smooth and re-drill.

Simple, heh. [smilie=e:
I didn't want to weld it in, wanted to use it as a spacer, if the weld won't stick to it , then I should end up with a good hole?
Rusty, just send it to me and I'll weld it and redrill.

Yes, I know how to weld. Do ya think the waGOON is bolted together. [smilie=a: :D

