1982 Cordoba Stock Car.

Well Have a buddy keep times for you then. Put them in that note book and keep track of every change you make and keep track of the result. Keeping records and knowing the result of changes will ony make the car faster and more reliable. You don't need a big H.P. engine to win. The key is being fast in the turns. The fastest cars are ALWAYS the best car through the turn. The guy who can drive in the deepest, and get back on the throttle the soonest is ALWAYS the fastest!
Stretchy just told you what most of the great car and crew chiefs in any racing series live by. Get it through the corners smoother and faster than the other guys and you'll win just about every time.
So I got the steering column all finished tonight!



And here is one for all of you, Jass was most intrigued when I told him about my never before seen transmission crossmember and mount.

Something I've never before seen on an F/M/J Chrysler.

Crossmember with mount.

Close up of mount.

Crossmember on the car. The crossmember bolts through those large rubber bushings in the frame.

It even has the holes for the regular F/M/J mount so I think I'm going to pick one up from the farm and put this car back to normal.

I can honestly say I've never seen anything like that in my life... and I've spent a lot of time under FMJ cars looking for goodies. I could not wrap my head around it when you attempted to describe it on the phone, and now I see why. That's just whack, man. The mount for the LeBaron had four holes, for the record, but the two would allow you to align and drill for the additional bolts.

By the way, air/power tools are really loud on the phone. :D
I can honestly say I've never seen anything like that in my life... and I've spent a lot of time under FMJ cars looking for goodies. I could not wrap my head around it when you attempted to describe it on the phone, and now I see why. That's just whack, man. The mount for the LeBaron had four holes, for the record, but the two would allow you to align and drill for the additional bolts.

By the way, air/power tools are really loud on the phone. :D

I guess it's a J-body thing, there are a few guys over at F/M/J Only that have the same mounts.

Still going to throw an old skool M-body mount in it with a common poly bushed trans mount. :dance:

Strange, I didn't use any power or air tools during our chat. :hmmm:
Yes you did... you just don't remember doing it. It was freakin' loud on this end, as was the little bit of hammering you did. :D

As far as the mount, I had an '80 Cordoba LS, an '81 Cordoba, and my low mile '81 Mirada driver. None of them had that mount setup, nor did any of my F or M cars. :hmmm:
I swear I didn't use any power tools! :D

I did some hammering yes but nothing else other then my hand ratchets.

I know neither the shop's 1980 or my 1980 or 1981 have that mount.

Literally has to be 1982 and 1983 only.
It sure sounded like you were running an electric impact at some point, and I doubt you can hammer that quickly. :D
Oh I know!

I was rattling that square tube from the K-frame bushing inside that stupid oval steel washer thing. :D

I got the PERFECT steel sleeves for those bushings! I'll get pics up tonight. :dance:

One guy on F/M/J has an '81 with that mount but my '81 parts car doesn't. :huh:
Well, just so you know it's GOD-DAMNED LOUD on this end! :D

Can't wait to see the pics of the mount tubing you're going to use.

I also have a poly trans mount for the setup you're using, but I'm keeping that!
Could the trany mount differences be by what plant they were built in?
My thing is, I've never seen a mount like that after nearly 30 years of yarding and 25 years in parts. Ever. Anywhere. I don't even ever remember seeing an option for those cars in a parts catalog. It's just strange.
So I visited a local machine shop a good friend of mine works at and found a piece of 2" round bar that happened to already have a 5/8" hole bored through it in the scrap shelf.

So we stuck it through the band saw and cut it into slices of the perfect length. :dance:


Cutting out the bushings with my hole saw is wicked easy.


Just like so! :dance:


I will be also cutting some oval biscuits out of 3/16" steel to fill in the large oval holes in the K-frame so there is just a 5/8" hole in the center.

Bolt it all up and ready to rock! :dance:
That is going to make a huge differance in the front end Dippy! Good stelty work my friend! I always said when building race cars, "Cheeters always win!" and "It's not cheeting untill you get caught!" or "It's not cheeting, It's interpretation of the rules!"

Always remember the rule book is a guideline. You can do somthing right up untill the time you get cought doing it and unless the rule book specifically says you can't do what ever it is you did, it fine. You will have to argue your case at some point but thats part of going fast. It's called "innovation". They key to your side of the dispute is standing by these simple words. "Show me in the rules where it says I can't do this."

Lets take your K frame mounts for instance. The rules most likley state "stock mounts" not "Stock unmodified mounts". You have "stock mounts". You just made the "stock" mounts better! Or one could argue "safer". Do you see where I'm going with this? :D Unless it's there, in the book in black and white, It's leagle untell the black and white says it's not!

There are a few rules in our rule book because of me! I wear those rules as a badge of honor too! You know your fast when they start making rules because of you.
I hear yah loud and clear about how to "read" the rules.

You get a chance to read mine?

We aren't really strict when it comes to our Thunder cars as they are so few and most are in dire need of constant repair.

Hell that old Mercury is running 8" wheels where the rules state no more then 7" wide but this set is about 3/16" thick at the wheel flange being safer as he was pulling the 1" lug nuts THROUGH the stock wheels so we let that slide on the aire of safety.

One of our own tech inspectors himself told me to weld a plate to the bottom of my LCA to keep it from folding up.

Will do mister inspector sir! :dance:

