[Johnny Cash voice]I hurt myself today.[/Johnny Cash voice]
And yesterday.
I did the brakes on my truck.
9.5 hours on the fronts yesterday.
7.5 hours on the rears today, 2 of that in the rain (which slowed me down because I had to move all my stuff into the garage and walk back and forth)
I hate rust.
I hate looking for tools in my own garage.
I hate not having a lift.
I have respect for mechanics that do this stuff all day long.
The biggest time suck was getting the rotors off.
I also painted the callipers and brackets because I had the paint. That wasn’t too bad for dry time, but it took a bit to clean up the parts and do the actual painting.
7 years and 113000 kms on the factory set isn’t too bad. They should have been changed a while back, I think.
The rear rotors needed the BFH and some PBR and then I had to use the bolt and captured nut trick to force them off.
I didn’t get pictures of the rears, but here are the fronts, because y’all have never seen rotors and callipers before. Right?
Notice how this second one is taken from a bit of a distance. Yeah, I couldn’t bend over to get a closer picture.