I've been commissioned (I like saying that better than "committed") to do another pedal. A WAHLTER, this time.
So, I started with the finish on the enclosure last week. I cleaned it up, put a coat of some hefty zinc based primer, then a coat of orange paint.
Something went funky. I think it was the humidity, but I may have accidentally grabbed the wrong kimwipe to clean it with and contaminated the surface. I got a very rough and bumpy surface. Some crackling. Some grooves that weren't there at the beginning.
I tried sanding thing smooth and recoating, but that only seemed to make the imperfections look deeper.
So, today, I stripped it and started over. this time I kept everything in the cool house until I was ready to spray. I'll let it flash a bit and then bring it in. And repeat for subsequent coats.
While the first coat of primer was drying, I built the circuit board.
I'm at the point where I need the box to start wiring things up.
So, I wait.
I should have finish and graphics done this week and a coat of envirotex done before the weekend. That should let me finish up assembly on the weekend.