We are upgraded

Ah, I know what you mean. The old way used to show the latest threads and i there were new posts, they'd be bold.

Where the new way shows all of the latest posts - even if they are in the same thread.

I get ya. t's a bit different, but the same. Sort of.
I've always added a little gray in the Windows Text windows (yeah windows appearance settings). Obviously they have no effect on this program.

"Not sure why I ad brightness and contrast cranked up so high in the first place."

I know why I did, my current monitor runs for long periods of time then "poofs" and I give it a time out in the garage. It's subdtitute will only go two thirds the brightness of any good monitor so when I'm running this one I have it cranked. but not anymore... it does help.

Fishy, I like it, Just know with a little work and the learning curve it can be great. Last time I checked it was still free for us :)

Doesn't need fixed just another heads up... When quick replying with quote, the edit box opens under that specific post. Ran down to the bottom as before and couldn't find it.

I was all like :looky::huh: oh never mind there it is.
Doesn't need fixed just another heads up... When quick replying with quote, the edit box opens under that specific post. Ran down to the bottom as before and couldn't find it.

I was all like :looky::huh: oh never mind there it is.

Yeah, that's a productivity enhancement. :D
Now, quit wasting time scrolling to them bottom.. :bwuhaha:
Ok I switched to the Blue Pixel format type thingy and this place looks MUCH more gooder! I can see stuff now!! 69.5 said that he accidentally found some way to stay logged in, as in it auto logs you every time you visit. This would be handy. As Jass mentioned, while trying to log in, still having that squishy top issue and I have to hope I typed everything right (which I usually do) how do I set up this auto log? once I log in and get to the Blue Pixel format, the place looks right. (did you understand most of any of that? lmao I'm not sure I did hahaha) :D
First clear the cookie that you have. You can clear them all or just look through your list and remove all moparnuts.com and www.moparnuts.com cookies.

Then, when you log in, Click "Remember Me" and that should drop a fresh, crispy, cookie on your PC to keep you logged in.
Ahh ok cool. All is much more gooder in the world now! :D Thanks DCF! Sorry for being a p.i.t.a. hahaha
i too am still getting the squased and overlapped top bars like doc and fishy ..soo its not just oneof us
*flying suplex from the top rope. Direct hit*

Game. Set. Match.

One of the darker styles came from someone that runs that site... and the way they set things up to install, it overwrites the original image files. Piss poor way to do it.
I knew it was there but couldn't track down the exact file name until I let it show up. Then I could replace it. Which I did - so it should be the vBulletin logo now. Yes?
Yeah it's the VBulletin logo now. Now that I have auto log I have no more problems hahaha :) Me happy! :D
And now is a perfect time to give DCF full ownership. :)
Tell me what you need, big guy. e-mail me. :)

K, there will be some changes around here. :shifty: :bwuhaha:

No really. just hide the badgers. The ferrets are afraid of them.
Ever gonna get off yer ass and fix it so I can run Netscrape ? :D


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