We are upgraded

Ok posting from my laptop and still having same issue as my desktop. <shrug> oh well.

It's to hide the smell of Oregon to the BC.

just an old Iowa joke just insert Iowa and Ontario
The new format sucks, whether I use IE6 or Firefox. It's not user-friendly, the eye strain is unbearable, and from the forums homepage I'll be goat-roped if I can figure out what the fuck is happening. In Firefox, I can't even see my username, password or options when I log on. I have to rely on dumb luck that I clicked on the correct sliver to enter my information.

E-mail me when you find a board format that can be used. Until then, farewell and adieu, my ladies of Spain. This is unbearable.
Jass is right, y'know. The whiteness burns my eyes, and I've been unintentionally avoiding the site since the changeover. Ah well, maybe I'll get used to it.
So, I've been doing some more testing with more PCs and more browsers.

I have been on board with the "whiteness" of the site and have been trying to find another style to alleviate that until I can tweak and tune one to be our very own.

What I found that is on different PCs and different monitors, the site looks fantastic. Truly. no issues with brightness and contrast. Font is good, too (same font, just looks better)

Now, I mention this because I had questioned the colour choices made by the original designers. Now, I see how they could have seen this as all good.
That's not to say I'm going to ask you to tweak your display settings, but it gives me some insight in to the problem.

While I work on the colours, I'm going to revert the default style back to factory default - all that will really mean to you is that the moparnuts logo will go away and be replaced by the vbulletin logo.
If this doesn't fix the "squishy" lay out problem then there is nothing I can do at my end to fix it - really, I'd be at a loss to know where to start looking as I honestly don't think there is anything here I could tweak.

By the way, I have tested the site on 4 different computers using 5 different browsers - two PCs had never accessed this site before, So I know nothing was cached locally - and the moparnuts logo showed up and the header layout was fine.

So, why didn't I test all this before flipping the switch? Well, I did. And it all looked fine. Granted there were some things like the cookie issue that I couldn't really test until going live.

As for the layout. it is what it is. Different. That said, we aren't really missing much from the old software - it's just in different places. and there are plans to work on some of the other stuff.

Classifieds - the original developer stopped supporting the product long ago. I had been hacking and tweaking as necessary to keep it functional. I might take a run at making it work with the new software, but at the same time I am looking for another solution. Stay tuned.
Image Hosting - still there but not accessible at the moment as it needs a few tweaks so we don't get error messages. The pictures are still there.
TechDocs - ya know the ones that no one knew were there despite the menu entry right up front - the content will get incorporated in to the "Home" page under a separate section. Hopefully, once I get a few in, I'll get a groove-on to add more info - like the docs that viking sent me oh so many years ago
Sammy's Gifs - if on ly for sentimental reasons, we'll keep and I'll set them up in another section off of the 'Home' page.

Arcade is there and working but just without any pretty borders. I'll address that when I build our moparnuts style for the whole site. I may tuned down the amount of information shown just clean up the overall look of the page.

I think just about everything else was part of the board software and is there, updated, improved, etc..
Birthdays' show up when there are birthdays. If you don't see any, no one was born on this day... no one ever! :D

Other than that, if you can't find something, ask.
Ahh, I was just poking around with Internet Exploder (8 something) as well. Tried the different themes and while running the "simple black" I was greeted with ads in (randomly selected???) posts. Maybe not so free after all? I'll try and duplicate later.

Liking what I've seen of your recent work in the "default" style. :beer:

For now one thing that helps me stay sane is ctl + or - in firefox, that's ZOOM in or out, about the third plus ramps up the boldness of the text. It mashes everything horizontally, but it's all there.
Ads in the posts show up if you are not logged in. It's a setting that shows ads to guests but not registered (and logged in ) users.

So, question is: were ya logged in or not?
Hopefully you weren't.

AS for the zoom - I think that is the key as on my wife's notebook, everything was larger, but the display settings were pretty high-res.
I'll have to go check and see if she has a permanent zoom setting (and if that's even possible)

Thanks for the helpful feedback.
No, I wasn't logged in :slap:

Seems like firefox remembers the zoom setting for each page, sometimes whole sites. and then sometimes not.
That's good though. Now we know that those ads don't show up when you're logged in and Do when you're not - just like it is supposed to function.

I've been playing with the zoom function in Chrome and it doesn't seem to remember the settings at all.
it's a browser thing though. When you zoom in, you're not change the board, you're changing how your browser presents it. (I know you know that, I'm just stating it for anyone else that might read this - just in case.)
Man, I'm beginning to think I'm the only one who doesn't mind the new look, well minus the "squishy" bits of course :D
I went through the settings in my monitor and selected a preset called "warm" and things look better.
Did you know the editor area is really kind of a gray colour? :D

Flipping through the rest of the sites I visit and e-mail and other apps.... I'm liking the new setting anyway. Not sure why I ad brightness and contrast cranked up so high in the first place.

*strikes zen pose*
IE8 good- white background not bad- but after awhile starts to get a little eysore- but tolerable.
no smiles? lol

another thing is after I see all posts and then check back later- all same posts except the ones I viewed- old style would mark them read and only will show new ones after last viewing.
I know I said that I wouldn't ask anyone to tweak their monitor settings, but it really does make a difference.
That said, I am still working on toning down the colours.

Smilies in advanced editor..

Ummm... What? :D

