We are upgraded

And now is a perfect time to give DCF full ownership. :)
Tell me what you need, big guy. e-mail me. :)

Say what??

It took me half an hour to get here and now this.

I know I've been MIA for a while but what the heck is goin on here,besides the "up-grade" that is?
Nothing drastic really. I've been taking care of the geek stuff for years now anyway.
you must have done something in the last few days.....and i dont like it and HATED it before the update..i just lived with it.......and that is the pic's in threads....when you click on them it doesnt open a new window but goes black gives you a loading clock and sits there..close the window and youve closed the browser..instead you either hit back which sometimes bumps you back out of the thread..or click the pic a second time so it finaly opens in another window so you can close it down

can you just make it always open in a new window instead of this goofy crap?...after the update it was normalised into poping up a new window..now its back to the old style .....which is a PAIN...or give us an option for it...yes i have FF set to open in a new window these dont work that way
you must have done something in the last few days.....and i dont like it and HATED it before the update..i just lived with it.......and that is the pic's in threads....when you click on them it doesnt open a new window but goes black gives you a loading clock and sits there..close the window and youve closed the browser..instead you either hit back which sometimes bumps you back out of the thread..or click the pic a second time so it finaly opens in another window so you can close it down

can you just make it always open in a new window instead of this goofy crap?...after the update it was normalised into poping up a new window..now its back to the old style .....which is a PAIN...or give us an option for it...yes i have FF set to open in a new window these dont work that way
Works fine for me.:huh:
the "box" that comes up with the attached pictures has a "close" tab in the bottom right. the "next" and "previous" are in the bottom left. But yeah I get what you are saying about double clicking a picture to see in a new window so you can expand it, it works inconsistently. You can right click and "open in a new window or tab" but it's easy to forget to do all the time.

Off topic yet slightly related: 'sup with google images lately? nearly half when right clicked will want to default as htm you have to manually rename it xxx.jpg. I understand about copyrights etc etc just wondering whats going on tech-wise.
ok so boot you get it the same way i do...id like to click a pic have it open in a new window and be able to close said new window..its just extra crap i dont think about when im still wiping the sleep from my eyes looking at posts..its that or i go back to not viewing pics...for a little while there the pics were working like every other msg board and it was nice
That's a couple of features at play.

First, if there's only one attached image the system will show it inline - right in the message rather than as an attachment at the bottom.
The setting allows for Disabled, Yes if only one attachment, or Yes (which means all attachments will be shown inline in the post.)

The other thing is what is called a light box. It's intended for quick display and flipping through of multiple images and is pretty darned slick if you ask me.
I don't see how it's any different than a new window popping up - you still need to close it, just like a new window. As boot said, there is a close button, or you can just click outside the picture, on the forum page and the lightbox will close.
The nice thing is that it allows you to flip through the images. you can always right click and save as if you're wanting to download them, or right click and Open In New Window if you're wanting to have multiple images open for comparison or whatever..

The inconsistency may be with the fact that if it's only one image, it doesn't use the light box. I can see that. I'll turn that off.
i just know ive closed the image many times in the past prior to the update and found myself out of the forum entirely...and in the last few patches on the new stuff its doing that again..rather frustrating when your tired
I see what you're saying: If you happen to click on the picture while the lightbox is displaying it, the picture opens up in the current window rather than a new one.
If you miss that fact and click the X, you're gone.

I've disabled the lightbox to test and now when you click images they open up in a new window (or tab if you have a newer browser that uses tabs).
However, now there is no way to flip through the images. You have to close the window (or tab) and click the next image.

In my mind that makes for for too many clicks.
I'm going to re-enable the lightbox and put in a feature request to change the action taken when you click on an image in the lightbox to make it open in a new window/tab.

Stay tuned. Maybe we'll see that feature in the next release. At the same time, I'll look for a way to hack it in for now.
it's easy to do. I just need to find the code section and add in some headlight fluid.

