Managed to get the garage up to 50 or so, checked the repair on the cable connector & it looked & felt pretty strong.
So I wormed this ole body under there again, shot some WD40 in the sleeve & then slid the cable in.
Left a lot out on the speedo end & just put the cable in till I felt it "slide" into the slot, then pulled the connector up & snapped that on.
Hooked up the drill & oh my nothing happened!!!!!!
Oh my lord, then it hit me try reversing the drill & wa la I was going 20!
Hit the ground & wormed in as far as I could, only problem was I could only use my left useless hand, took me till frozen fingers before I got the nut on square, snugged that down & started her up, still quite rough on start up, it did catch the hi idle (never really checked before) anyway I think I have to raise it a bit.
Since it was on jackstands I put it in gear & played with the throttle a bit, damn I'm doing 50 already.

So all that's left is trying to get the tune a bit better, find the leak in the A/C & have the hocky stripe put on, can't do the stripe till spring anyway
Wish it ran as good as it looks!

Oh yea fuel pressure is sitting at 3lbs, till I nail it on the road I won't know if it's enough for that rare moment when you have to avoid something!