Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Started the bending process, getting close on the first little section, see how the "flaps" go??? 20220114_153526.jpg
Got the bottom & outside edge of the small patch glued in , hope I didn't turn off the heat in the garage too soon, will find out tomorrow?
i have a huge distrust of panel glue..i mean..look at our hoods, i doubt any of them have the glue still holding

so long as you are slow n carefull with the hot spotting and mindfull of any pull that happens youll be fine
Yea no snow to remove!!! And warm enough to get in a little car time, started on the bending, had to lift each flap & grind off the sides where they were starting to overlap................20220117_151014.jpg
Clamped a stiff straight edge behind it & marked the sides of the flaps where they overlapped for grinding............20220117_153505.jpg
Cut the bottom edge down , now I have to trim it back to get a butt joint to meet the small patch, message all the bends a bit, this is where the lower door seal goes, so I hope that will fill in if my bend is off?? 20220117_154244.jpg
Well it's kinda done, after a few rounds of spotting & grinding & burning thru in a lot of spots where it meets the old metal I decided it was time for the JB weld!20220119_132841.jpg
So I bent the edges back over, those are a disaster, stuffed a slice of metal behind some of the bigger holes & in one spot a wadded up paper towel. Proceeded to apply a very liberal smathering of the JB weld & clamped the edges down , I will probably clean a few choice spots & weld that edge in a few places so it doesn't pop open later. 20220119_144346.jpg
See what I end up with when I start sanding it out???
if possible, blast the inside in that area, youll want to coat it with a minimum of epoxy primer, the biggest issue ive run into with jbweld on sheetmetal is "lift" either from an exposed backside or temperature cycling and shrinking

i patched up a rust hole in the 75 celica back before digital cameras were a thing and back shot it with some epoxy...and its sat its been used its been beat on and was left in a field for a few years..its still holding solid..HOWEVER its a very thick coating and not thin

in my ramcharger tub i smoothed every seam with jb...and every single one of them has buckled or pulled away, save for the overly thick ones

so...keep that in mind, honestly you should be using something like "allmetal" filler its IDEAL in situations like that and it doesnt let go
There's all kinds of metal supports back there, that's why I couldn't get a copper backup for my welding.
Before I put the pieces on I hit everything I could in there with rust converter. after I'm done I'll flood it with some primer.
looks like 40+ degrees s a few day off, on forced vacation till then.
So today worked out pretty good, still a bit nippy when I got out there but by the time I packed up I got it up to 59* ground off all the excess JB, put some welds on that edge that split open, then a little more JB touch up & finally started cleaning around the edges that did not get sand blasted when I did the interior, tues looks like I can get it warm enough for paint, so I will try & finish off the sanding & stripping & get some primer on.20220123_121059.jpg
Laid the old metal over, looks like I got the shape pretty close.............20220123_125509.jpg
Gotta remember to drill out that weep hole! 20220123_125555.jpg
Jb touch ups...........20220123_134405.jpg
Bottoms about there, the 2 ends will take a bit more work! 20220123_134425.jpg
Got it all the way up to 62 today, had to take my jacket off!
Got the bottom & the front edge done, the back end I opened up a little rust hole while I was cleaning, there was some weird damage there too, top where the window weather strip goes was bent & ripped, the holes for the rubber bumpers were beat up a bit too, straightened that stuff a bit, JB'd the rust spot, will finish that off next warm day.

the damage.............20220125_135502.jpg
Flattened out a bit...............20220125_151112.jpg
Rubber bumper slot & rust repair..............20220125_151121.jpg
Bottom looks good, I did some spraying into the bottom slot could not get a pic in there. 20220125_151135.jpg
A little rough in the repair area, not sure if I'll bother to smooth that out, but knowing me I probably will! 20220125_151149.jpg
Front edge also looks good!20220125_151157.jpg
So I was up early today, that just added to the hours of twiddling my thumbs, around noon I said what the hey, I went out & turned the heaters on, went out about 1 & sanded down the JB weld on the rust area & then finished cleaning the end area, got it up to a whopping 42* when I packed it up at 2:30.
Fridays supposed to be 35, I'll try & start the heaters early & maybe I can get that & the inside metal primed?20220126_135420.jpg
The green tape is on the door sticker, see if I can save that?20220126_135433.jpg
Not sure if the plan will pan out today, heaters are cooking but it's already snowing , I'll go check the temp in about an hour, I don't think I'm make 60 today?
Forced the issue today, with the aid of the heat gun I was able to spray the door, got the garage up to 52, not enough by itself, then after shooting I kept the heat gun moving to force dry instead of freeze!
Need a better taping job when I paint, gotta save those vin #'s. 20220128_140035.jpg
blew a full can on the inside metal, I think I got most of it!
Filler dust, primer and paint will gum them up.
They were never painted from the factory.
They cheapen the look when painted.
Looks like I'll get a few days in a row out there, the tumbler did thaw out so I have the door hardware in there running for 3 days . 20220202_114934.jpg
Came out pretty good, I did gunk the guts & then soak em in hot soapy water, it took about an hour to get all the cleaning (media) chunks out of there.
then I blew em dry & shot in some lithium grease. 20220208_130015.jpg20220208_130037.jpg
Sanded a ton more on the back of the door patch area, I think I'm gettin crazy, no one is ever gonna look down there. 20220208_131729.jpg
First coat of putty on the patch area, the actual metal patch is only the first 4" from the edge & maybe 3' high. 20220208_140927.jpg
A little help drying.................20220208_140944.jpg
Sanded most of that off then taped the line to build it up a little there, I think with the little dent above the line I lost it near the edge. 20220208_144158.jpg
Put the second coat on removed the tape & put a little on the top front edge. Did the really rough sanding, tomorrow I'll guide coat it to see just how bad it is??? 20220208_151500.jpg
I see lots of folks using masking tape to get a good body contour...
I use a pass or two of flat black spray bomb. Faster and easier for me. :)
There was a small dent just above the line on the front edge, felt like the line was gone for an inch or 2, I use the tape to build up the putty right at the line, don't think a couple of coats of high build would get me there?
whoa on tht hardware...
what tumbler are you using, what media and how long did it run?!?!??!?!, ive got one of those big shaker tub things and it doesnt do that good of a job...i assume wrong media?
When I fried my tumbler last spring (eastwood small one) I went ahead & bought the big one, it came with the green 1/4" media, which I had used in the small one too, worked real good, I usually leave stuff in overnight, now this is the wet, I throw a teaspoon of eastwood metal wash in there.
Now I didn't even put those parts in the dry shine which is much smaller, what I just did was in a long time, 2 to 3 days 24/7
But earlier I usually was done with in an overnight run, I ate up what I had in media pretty quick, when I went to reorder they showed a gray, said it cut faster, bought 4 lbs (30 bucks for 2lbs) was trying to save 2 but ended up having to throw it all in.
This batch was done both wet & dry. (below)

Now I just went to their site to check on the media, now they show a brown on says it cuts 3x faster then the green.
I'm glad I bought the big one, the bigger parts I do now would not go in the small one.


