So friday I was out back blowing some leaves around, not much work going on so i decided to take the 'Cuda out for a spin around the hood, ins to be dropped soon to save a few bucks. Anyway was still early & very nice outside when i got back I decided to mess with the window again.
Since the last time I messed with it everything seemed really tight, now it's making a deep groaning sound towards the rear , front looks like it's hiting the track when it's all the way down, go in & get the white greese & start spraying it all over the place(litterally, what a mess)anyway somethin just aint right!
In looking deeper (& even that wasn't easy) big head, big hands & very little space! Crap, it looks like the rear guide is outside the track, remove bottom bolt, pull track foward & she popped back in, reset the adjustments & it was much closer, now the rear upstop is actually making good contact, adjusted both front & rear upstops again & dropped the middle track bar down a bit & she's real close. Probablay as close as it was when me & greg 340 messed with em for hours! Good a f-in nough! Put the door panel back on & called it a good day! Oh yea, went over every bolt to make sure they were all tight this time! :naughty:
Tommorrow maybe the last ride of the year, I'll decide on the ins during the week, is it worth it for a couple more drives around the hood, need a co pilot so I can really get her out on the road for a long HARD road test! Rich.