Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Had been murphless for quite a while, but today he made up for it, was shootin prime the last few days, having no luck with my old gun, I almost poured the friggen primer on yesterday, so today I broke out the new gun & shot 2 coats with it, the shootin went well, just put the solvent in the gun & started to flush the gun when all hell broke loose, compressor started vibrating badly, by the time I got to the plug the schrapnal was a flyin, [smilie=2: trying to back into the plug area I managed to yank it without gettin hit, broke the other piston rod this time & it took out the vanes on the plastic fan too! :wtf:
Now what I can't figger is the bolt was hand tight again(was that way when I replaced the first piston & rod) torqued that sucker down to specs, why would it come loose! :mad:

well anyway, here's yet another hood, with yet another coat a primer!:rolleyes: Rich.


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Is that a craftsman compressor? Mine had the same issue once, but I got lucky and just bought the squirrel cage. It was only a few months old at the time, and the fan just came loose.... I put the new one on and not a problem since.
Well it looks like I'm getting another compressor, just talked to charger man (sorry greg)& he's getting rid of the ingersol rand, big sucker, 220 volt, but only single stage, won't keep up with his air tools, should be fine for spraying, gonna set it up outback & save some shop space. 200 bucks, he paid over 5 a year or so ago! I put the outlet back there a few years ago when I hooked up this compressor, but never set it up out there! So the electric is already there!
It would run almost that much for the parts to rebuild the craftsman! :cool: Rich.
Don, I sent it in last year for that, the plastic fan went bad, they rebuilt the whole compressor, last month the first rod broke, no other damage, this time it friggen granaded, by the time I got to the plug to yank it all the vanes were stripped off the fan, balancers & other(brand friggen new) rod wre scored , so now even with a new fan & pistons/rods it may not be balanced right, better off with the other one, it's cheap enough! Rich.(want the tank/motor??? ) Rich.
K, look her over next time one of yas get over here, the hi side of the limit switch hasn't been workin either! :eek: Rich.
Compressor is in place, need to get the right plug & move my hoses around a bit, then she'll be ready to go to work! :D Rich.


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Ah! Gotcha!.

Seems to be working....

I could try and merge the two threads together so they're all in one.
I've been looking at the process.
If it works, it's easy to do. If it pukes, I don't know what we'll have.

I'll try it on a backup first.

