Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

spent the afternoon today cleaning up after mother................................................ nature! She's a real PIG! a month worth a dust, dirt, tree polen & numerous gifts from the neighborhood bird population! [smilie=e:
Tryin to grow some friggen grass where the basketball hoop used to be, looks beter from afar!(Like all my work!) [smilie=e: Rich.


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Ya could have done all that on Saturday (if you would have been home...) [smilie=e:
Coulda done it next week too! [smilie=e: But ya know, Just washing the cars, although it was work, being around the cars & relaxing was enough to ease the pain in my shoulder/neck area thats been buggin me for almost a month, I do think it's the extra driving, so etown woulda been nice, but I probably would be inserious pain about now! Besides, i took the wife out to dinner(probably would have done that either way) got home & just sat on the deck, watered the weeds & contemplated workin on the car! Almost heaven! Rich.
got a nice day with a free afternoon, I was putzin with the wire wheels & sander cleaning up the rear end when Mr340 arrived, he loaned me a complete set of taps, & adjusted the valveson the 74, too bad I found the feeler guages after we were done! So we took the 74 out for a little drive, stopped by charger mans , took a gander at the metal work & then just BS'd a while. after he left I smeared the mud on the hood & cleaned up for the day!
Hood, the reputz! she's welded, a little lead, etched, por15'd & primed! [smilie=e: will hopefully sand out the mud tomorrow, gonna get some paint on it, put it out in the weather, if it bubbles again, 12 lb sledge [smilie=e: & junk it [smilie=e: , move on to the back up hood, if it holds onto the car it will go! [smilie=e:
Da hood
the rear, this is gonna take a while! [smilie=e:


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Guess since I ended in the rear I'll start in the rear!
A little more metal, still gotta borrow those extra jack stands to take it apart!
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Still messin with the trunk lid, I made a little ding into a massive crater, she's still droppin off quite a bit , but the edge is too, so I need to consult the ole body man before I put a gallon a putty on there? [smilie=e:
I think I have most a the front end stuff ready(cept brakes, gotta buy those) waiting on the backordered strut rod bushing kit from yr one! [smilie=e:


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Put a few dohickies on, not moving any mountains but at least there outta my way! [smilie=e:


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Got my engine block-m-off covers on, shot a little degreaser on ,not too dirty [smilie=e: still have to decide how far down I'm gonna take it.
started cleaning up some ebay crap I bought, actually got a couple of useable pieces! [smilie=e: Rich.


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Took 20 hours in the tumbler to get most of the rust off the brake hardware, in the shine em up stuff as we speak, may require a little wire wheelin, but better the tumbler than my arms! [smilie=e:
Fought my way through the spider webs & got a few more pieces painted up, nothing big, but it was nice to get in a few car hours after so much down time!
dove into a box a crap today, cleaned up some more parts & started working on putting a guage pod together, between the 2 ,I should get one decent dash!
Got my bushing sleeves & spring mounts from Mark Nixon today, sleeves in the tumble as we speak!(thanks again Mark) here's the guages after some light cleaning, not as bad as I thought [smilie=e: I hope at least one of each work! [smilie=e: Rich.


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The gauges can be bench tested. I have the directions at the garage, if you want them, I'll pick them up and send 'em to you..

