got a nice day with a free afternoon, I was putzin with the wire wheels & sander cleaning up the rear end when Mr340 arrived, he loaned me a complete set of taps, & adjusted the valveson the 74, too bad I found the feeler guages after we were done! So we took the 74 out for a little drive, stopped by charger mans , took a gander at the metal work & then just BS'd a while. after he left I smeared the mud on the hood & cleaned up for the day!
Hood, the reputz! she's welded, a little lead, etched, por15'd & primed! [smilie=e: will hopefully sand out the mud tomorrow, gonna get some paint on it, put it out in the weather, if it bubbles again, 12 lb sledge [smilie=e: & junk it [smilie=e: , move on to the back up hood, if it holds onto the car it will go! [smilie=e:
Da hood