Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Got a break i n the weather so i was at it a bit, figgered I'd try the back of the doors since most would be hidden anyway, came out pretty good & no chit in the clear, go figger, I know when I flip em the chit will fly, but I'll probably try again anyway! [smilie=e: Rich.
Got the hinges done & put a dab on the pin heads, doubt it will survive the rebuild , but I will give em a shot(or 2 literaly!) [smilie=e:
well the high is wearing off, back to colder weather & some real work tomorrow, might shoot the skins & see what happens if I get home early & can get the temp up in the garage, it was fun for the 2 days though! [smilie=e: Rich.
We're up, we're down, we're all over the place! [smilie=e:
well I hung the doors today, good thing I had touch ups to do, now there's a few more, chipped the door & fender on the pass side! [smilie=e:
Seems my fender repair(the one I had to do the brace too) is a bit off, has a beautiful very natural lookin arc to it, well it supposed to be flatter(comfirmed by a test hang on the other car) but I didn't chip it(YET) [smilie=e:
WOW! I'm going to print this out after I take stock in paper prducts. It'll be a great guide for my Cuda.
Might call it "Rumbles Rusty Cuda II, The twin cometh."
(In theaters soon LOL)
rumblefish360 said:
WOW! I'm going to print this out after I take stock in paper prducts. It'll be a great guide for my Cuda.
Might call it "Rumbles Rusty Cuda II, The twin cometh."
(In theaters soon LOL)

I guess mine with have to be Rusty Cuda the trilogy
Been putting this off a while, but sooner or later I have to do it, so I started ripping into the stuff stored in the garage(still got mucho stuff in the basement [smilie=e: )
Trying to seperate into general areas, int/ext/suspension & under hood/trunk! stuff still to clean up & stuff to paint! 2 days & almost done with the boxes in garage [smilie=e:
one batch!
Started cleanung up the power steering unit & my one good shock mount, (another set on the way!) Thanks Jo!
Did anybody ever count how many garsh darn parts there are in/on a car! I NEED inventory control! (and maybe a time line map of where they go & what goes when!)[smilie=e: Rich.
RUSTY Cuda said:
Did anybody ever count how many garsh darn parts there are in/on a car! Rich.

Um, no. Perhaps you can tell us once you are done? [smilie=a:

A ton of work yet to go rusty, but your getting closer! [smilie=e: [smilie=e:

