Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Made do with the tools I have left that haven't broken ,burnt out or need the compressor to run & got another round of welding & grinding done on the pass door patches.
Yep I'm sure, at least I think so, last I checked I'm spending more time on the car than workin!

My garage is kinda a shop, make & store my duct work in there(thats why the car can't go in) so it was set up with a lot of outlets, lights & a heat pump/ac unit.
Now it has more car stuff in it than work stuff! Rich.
Coming nice Rusty,
I'm letting go my 67Cuda.
I will find something else later.
Keep em coming.
Too bad you have to let her go, hope you get another one soon!
Got the pass door flooded & hit all the weld areas on the bottom with por15, a bit rough but solid!
The rest of that mess was just spreading out what oozed out of the guts! The drivers door got flooded & I hit the whole back side, it had surface rust & i stripped the whole thing, if all goes well tomorrow the outside gets a coat of epoxy & a couple a coats a high build! Rich.
Was 54 today, with the heaters going I was workin with the sleeves rolled up, gonna be around 50 tomorrow, maybe for the last time till spring so I hope to shoot the prime so I can start blockin the doors!
Doing a great job, taking your time and doing it right.
I'm impressed and I used to0 do it for a living 20plus years ago and still like to work on it.
She is on the trailer and released.
sure it's not your new years eyes!
got the epoxy on, pics later, gotta go start the high build! [smilie=g: Rich.
Looking like this morning!!! [smilie=eggface.gif] better one on the for sale reply from the Dude that bought her.
& 3 of hi build, if warm tomorrow i may reshoot the trunk lid I messed up, can block the doors anytime now! they be protected from the rust monster! [smilie=2: Rich.[/color]
Got home early enough to get the garage warm, shot the trunk again & still no good, just broke through to paint in a few spots gettin the garbage out & all those spots show, seems the garage is just too dusty to paint, lotta stuff gettin on after I spray.
Did start the blockin on the doors, not too bad, my old passenger door which needed all the weldin is better on the outside than the less rusty door I bought!
Pass door

