Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Got the corners opened up, worked all after noon on some of the swiss, still some pin holes in the weldin but gettin closer, the bottom section I will try & make patches!
Got the patches made, but no compressor for the cut off tool so I flipped it over & started on the dings & welding the old moulding holes!
marked out all the spots & then put some of my sheet metal pins on, no slide hammer but a pair of pliers & a wedge get the job done!
for a living?
No chance there I'd be broke in a month, the fact is, yes I'm pleased with what I'm learning, getting better as I go, but the pics make everything look good, but when it's all said & done, the car will be a ten footer, any closer than that & the flaws in my work start to show up.
Next car should be a bit better, maybe even a five footer!
If I ever get to #3 I'll just do it over & over till it's "almost" perfect!
RUSTY Cuda said:
for a living?
No chance there I'd be broke in a month, the fact is, yes I'm pleased with what I'm learning, getting better as I go, but the pics make everything look good, but when it's all said & done, the car will be a ten footer, any closer than that & the flaws in my work start to show up.
Next car should be a bit better, maybe even a five footer!
If I ever get to #3 I'll just do it over & over till it's "almost" perfect!

Doesn't really matter what it looks like to someone else as long as you have the pleasure knowing you did it yourself. I'm trying to "fix" up my RoadRunner, but due to the long hours I work It'll take forever! That's why I bought the Swinger 340 and have some one else doing it for me. Yes I'll feel guilt about driving a car I did little on, I just got tired of not be able to cruise or go to Mopar shows in an old Mopar. Enjoy your cars Rich, I know I've enjoyed watching your progress! [smilie=e:
Did the long hour thing for 30 years, between that, the house & the kids, there really was no time for a hobby, now one kid workin, one in college ,just the little guy to chase around after, bought out my partner & I work a LOT less & make a LOT more, so hence " 'Cuda " time!
the 74 is literally a bucket a bolts, each time I take it around the block I wonder whats gonna break, but even at that it's fun, gives me a little boost & the desire to finish the 73 so I can drive a shinny bucket a bolts & wonder what will fll out! [smilie=e: Rich.
Started on the other door after tarpin up the 73, removing some of the window tint & joy riding the 74, so far no 24grit grinding marks, got some dings, the fender may have been pushed back into it, but very little damage.
No rust thru, just surface rust on the back! workin stripper & the da, both ways too slow! but she's gettin there!
Haines! I'm finding that even with the car outside, niether the yard or my garage is big enough, every time I switch gears(car to work or back the other way ) I have to move a ton a crap & find new & creative places to store stuff! Rich.
Darn, so warm today I was itchin to pait something, but nothing really ready, soooooo I went back to stripping the other door, front is done & worked most a the dings out, back is almost done, wasted most of the day on that, what a pain, too many nooks & crannies back there! [smilie=e:
Did end up using the roto tool to cut out the bad metal on the pass door & got the patches tacked in, this is gonna be fun to grind out! [smilie=e: oh well gettin close to the end of this stuff, then I can start on the blockin! [smilie=e: Rich.[/color]

