Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Yea, it's stickin, no prob, just too much chit in it this time, so gotta sand it all off again! [smilie=b: Rich.
Don't beat yourself up to much, I think your doing a great job.
If it is not right do it again and learn.
I think this is the 4th time on that lid! still sanding the drips off the rear, top is ready to be reshot, but I'm moving pretty good on the doors, the skins weren't too bad, just a few more coats a hi build & sanded out nice!
guide coat!
Rich, can't you hang poly from the ceiling and around your project.
Put a vacuum hose through the top to create negative air to keep
the dust away from it? Just a thought.
Other wise it looks real good.
Was doing most of the painting outside,that had issues too! I blew out the garage the other day, did all my dry blockin outside, Maybe i'll rig something up when i shoot the paint, finally got my compressor back, so I can use the guns & pressures I had gotten used too, thats why I dripped the back of the trunk lid, smaller compressor, had to use the old gun, I had only shot primer through that one till that, funny it looked like it was gonin on nice, but major drippage & all in the valleys, sanding those out now, what a PITA! Rich.
Got the trunk lid sanded out(again) cleaned up the back of the doors for some primer, but was to cold to paint so i played with my rusty old headers.
One I had tried to clean up previously(on the left) many hours of whire wheelin,the other I just got the loose rust off & degreased, so the cleaned one is smoother but shows the pits, the other is rougher but it's mosty the old powder coat, they don't look this good in person but will serve the purpose for a while! [smilie=e: Rich.
So I've decided to hang up the guns a while, just not happening in the garage, hung some plastic, proceded to dump another 30 bucks or so a paint down the toilet!
blistering in the back a the doors & on the trunk lid(base coat) the door skins came out nice!
So I figgers I'll get a coat a clear on them & they'll be done, can rework the backs later! This friggen clear coat is a dirt magnet & I know when I sand out the chit I will hit the base & mess that up! [smilie=e:
Looks pretty good don't it! I Wish I only had to look at it in pictures!
The good news is I had no drips or runs in it, it laid out like glass, I'll actually have to search to find any bad orange peel.(I'm sure there's some somewhere, thats not even a concern that ya can sand out)
finally got a little work lined up for next week, just in time, I need a break!(a bit a moola won't hurt either!)
[smilie=a: WoooW ,, Great to see that car without Rust ,,,,
Its so very great work you done Rusty !

Charre / [smilie=e: [/color]
I see you found it, thanks ,still got a long way to go, but it is a bit easier to look at now even though the clear coat got a lotta garbage in it! Rich.
RUSTY Cuda said:
I see you found it, thanks ,still got a long way to go, but it is a bit easier to look at now even though the clear coat got a lotta garbage in it! Rich.

I'm sure it's as good if not better than some of the factory paint jobs! [smilie=b:

