Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

K, gotta ask, it looks like the blue wire in the connector goes nowhere, no post on the switch?
& I think my double yellow goes right to the starter relay?
Filler went in good, bit tips went in smooth started them with the drill (little battery job & ran it real slow) finished with the nut driver only I screw up, the corner screws that come up from the bottom have less material than the middle, made 1- 1/8 inch hole in my beautiful grill.
ended with 2 little dips at the ends not too bad.

It was not an optical illusion bumper is a full 1/2" out more on the drivers side, loosened that first & had no play to push it back.20231226_125551.jpg
Passenger side20231226_125610.jpgSo I loosened the passenger side, it was all the way out, that had play to the rear, Pretty sure the whole thing should look like this.....................
20231226_125542.jpgSo I pulled it back all the way out, 1/2" is better than 2 1/2" on one side & 1 on the other!20231226_134849.jpgUnless I get crazy & pull the drivers side brackets & elongate the holes this is it for now! 20231226_155415.jpgMoved on to the heater cable, when I got to the point the whole drivers side of the dash had to come apart to get that control out I tried from underneath, after much wailing & gnashing of teeth (thanks Jass) I finally got the screw in.
Not liking the adjustment, it will only go full open with the cable completely out of the clip, I have it barley on the edge & she's about 1/4" away from the stop, it does go full in the other direction. 20231226_151522.jpgI got lucky & fount a couple of clips that hold it down from my air vent leftovers from the 73.
The grommet was smaller than the whole, was gonna pull my old grommet & do it from outside, Not ever pulling that cable off the control again & saw it was the same size.
So I put a big wad of GOOP glue on it & cable tied it to keep it straight till the glue dries, can't see it from outside which is probably a good thing.20231226_155129.jpgso last thing before I lowered the front was that boot, not too bad, took the 2 nits off that side & had just enough play to worm it off, stuck the boot on & retorqued em.20231226_134549.jpgOf course I forgot to tighten all the front valance bolts, don't have to get too far under for those I hope I can get to them all without lifting it again!
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K, gotta ask, it looks like the blue wire in the connector goes nowhere, no post on the switch?
& I think my double yellow goes right to the starter relay?
The double yellow in the harness should go to the starter relay. The two yellows at the override go two different places--one to the starter relay, the other to the ignition-switch start circuit via the interlock module.

The blue wire in the interlock override connector is 12V+ with the key on. The other end goes to a welded splice buried deep in the wiring harness. You should also have a blue wire at:
  • The ballast resistor
  • One alternator field connection
  • The choke heater (which you ain't got, but wasnear the midpoint of the intake on the passenger's side)
  • That blue wire would probably branch to feed the throttle kicker/idle stop solenoid (another item you haven't got)
  • The voltage regulator connector. Technically, at the VR two of them are blue. One is the other end of the alternator field wire.
All of these wires travel to the same welded splice as the one at the override switch. Lots of things under the hood that need 12V+ key-on.
I guess what I was saying is first I don't have another 2 yellows on my harness, the blue was to heat the coil in the relay to keep it in, key off it would cool & reset the relay.
Don't go nuts trying to splane this mess to me, I think I got it, my 4 wires will just be relocated to the connectors you are sending, just every picture we posted shows different connectors & # of wires on them, that screwed me up!
Boy this aftermarket stuff is bad, wanted to test the console to see how bad I screwed up the carpet, so I'm gathering the hardware & started to put the plate on & the contours in the plastic for it are all off, if I got the front down the back would not fit, visa versa on the front.
started grinding the edges of the plate, that was going nowhere fast so I tried cutting out some plastic, ended up actually drilling into it.
front down20231227_140848.jpgBack up20231227_140858.jpg

the front one the clip didn't even slide in far enough for the holes to line up, shaved some plastic off that,
So I tucked the rear into my new groove & got that on. 20231227_150435.jpg
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As I had dreaded the carpet was so far back when I made my cuts I do have to try & patch in (good thing I saved a few of the bigger pieces I cut off) a few spots.
On the first cuts I tried soooooo hard to avoid this, I has on spot like it on the other car, now that the carpet is moved forward it's no longer against the metal I cut it for & out beyond where the seat would hide it. 20231227_145810.jpgUp front even worse, a pretty big section to try & cover! 20231227_145825.jpgSo it all came out & I spent the next few hours trying to scrape off the jute down to the carpet backing.
Did the little one first, I did have a roll of real carpet seaming tape about 40 years ago when I moved in the house, didn't even look to see if it was still in the basement, I may have to if my rube job fails.
new carpet repair tools! 20231227_154703.jpgSo I did the little one first, hope the pyle is thick enough to nesh in?

Spread about an 1" of glue on & around the cuts20231227_155458.jpgthen a little duct tape to hold it in place till the glue dries, probably just leave it on. 20231227_155549.jpg
The front may be tougher it's curved a bit for the tunnel?
for now I just hit 2 of the no longer needed slices.
A piece of my leftovers to fill the gap 20231227_161947.jpg

I do have some fiberglass reinforcing material, might try a layer or 2 of that?
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That Goop is some great stuff, isn't it? I keep a tube in the garage and the house.
Yep, thanks for the recco, I will see tomorrow if it will hold carpet together, if not I may add a layer or 2 of fiberglass mesh into the brew!
Or if it did hold add some for strength anyway!
When I put the carpet in I decided that it wasn't all that expensive or hard to get so I just went for it thinking worst case I'll get it right on the second try.
Don't go nuts trying to splane this mess to me, I think I got it, my 4 wires will just be relocated to the connectors you are sending, just every picture we posted shows different connectors & # of wires on them, that screwed me up!
Two of the four wires we're discussing are yellow. ;)

I wouldn't mess with the front bumper any further. You're not likely to get it any better with slotting mount and the like. The bumper stamping is at a slightly-different angle than the actual car.

This picture looks good. Don't attempt to improve upon it!

I've been fighting this carpet for like a month now, I can't give up now, will check my little patch when I go out if that worked I'll try the bigger area. It's not that I can't order another , I don't want to start from square one again.

I doubt I would have torn it all apart again & tried the bracket surgery, but now I definitely won't.

This is the one that messed up my head, the extra 2 yellows at the bottom & the blue wire were there's no pin. 6 wire plug for interlock.jpg
This is the one that messed up my head, the extra 2 yellows at the bottom & the blue wire were there's no pin. View attachment 27088

That photo has virtually nothing in common with how your car will be wired. That's why I said this:
(Pay no mind to the wiring scheme; it's not right and won't work)

If you read my notes about how my car was wired, I mentioned that whomever did the modification was a professional mechanic, but his method couldn't have been Chrysler-approved. I'll spare you the gorier details, because it's pretty convoluted--and sketchy as hell. The fact that it worked isn't a true miracle, but it's certainly mildly amazing... and appalling. I was surprised the override switch wasn't damaged until I gave it some serious consideration. I know how it worked (and how/why it survived), but I would've never wired it that way. Like, not even in the "well, it'll get me home" sense.
Well we have a maybe on the carpet.
Got 2 layers on of the fiberglass & ran out of goop, waited till that dried & put on 4 more layers with spray on contact cement, sketchy I know, but what the hey! 20231228_153630.jpgWhile that was drying I dug out some left over double connectors from the A/C days, they fit the car plugs, so I made up the jumper I need for the second horn, now if I can get to it with the front end on?
Only need one, see which one looks better on there20231228_155742.jpg20231228_160521.jpgSo before I came in I flipped the carpet, now for where these patches are I may get away with it, that's if it doesn't fall apart when I put the carpet back in? 20231228_160800.jpg20231228_160811.jpg
Carpet is in AGAIN, I will live with it, side one hardly noticeable, front stands out, brushing helped a little but the backing isn't even so this is as good as it will get, 20231229_145502.jpg20231229_145543.jpgHad one spot on the other side. 20231229_145242.jpgAfter pulling out all the white jute doesn't look too terrible, I think it will be hidden by the seat anyway.20231229_145412.jpg
Console & shifter in20231229_145606.jpgInteriors starting to look like something?20231229_152614.jpgGot my horn jumper in & tightened up the front valence, completely missed the 2 inner side bolts, can not get to them now, 5 should hold it.
Went to do the drive shaft, gonna have to raise it up in the front again, way too tight under there.
Carpet is in AGAIN, I will live with it, side one hardly noticeable, front stands out, brushing helped a little but the backing isn't even so this is as good as it will get,
Who scrutinizes carpeting that closely? If you walk into any room of someone's house do you look over the ceiling & floor....NO. You look at the walls unless your attention is pointed elsewhere. Drive it with pride.
Getting near time to figure out my wire, cable & hose fasteners & routing, it's a mess in there.
Got the cowl seal in I think all that's left for those is the flap for the cowl drain & the 2 rubber splash shields. 20231230_143654.jpg
Raised up the front AGAIN & fought with the drive shaft a while, put blue thread locker on the U-joint bolts, supposed to be 170" lbs, but I could barely get a wrench on there, no way the socket was fitting, got em as tight as I could with a 5ish inch wrench?
She's on the ground again, see how long this time?
I think the front settled down a bit more? 20231230_143738.jpg5 foot rule is holding, back off a bit & she looks good! 20231230_143805.jpg20231230_143755.jpg
Finally remembered to measure the distance of the column to the dash, not a match to yours but close, now this is with the shims in.
Gap to dash, you had 3/4, mine is 1/2 to the lever & 3/4 to the column.
Set back you had 5/8 & mine is 1/2 inch!

Now I have to hunt for an air cleaner, would love a stock one, but I doubt I will find one,(well for less than my first born!

