After a lot of screwing around and elbow grease involving pointy objects, sandpaper, shop towels and Mother's wheel polish I actually got both override connectors in presentable shape. Considering multiple coats of paint and their age, they look surprisingly good. The white residue you see is wheel polish I didn't see. Flash photography is all to happy to point out what you missed.
This is what I pulled out of the car:
(Pay no mind to the wiring scheme; it's not right and won't work)
And here's what I'll be shipping to you (along with the switch, once it's done). Same parts. Pretty dramatic difference if you ask me.
Those are mega-up-close gynecological shots that highlight the remaining flaws. I don't think you'd find better unless you found NOS ones. That's possible for the brown connector (AuVeCo still sells those) but definitely
not the red one.
I can't tell you how happy I'll be when this interconnect nonsense is over, i.e. when I ship this thing out. Between research, modification, refinishing, and restoration there's entirely too much effort into something that should've never been installed on
any car in the first place. More than anything though I'm happy the switch was on my parts car and I'm able to do what was necessary. God forbid you had to buy one of these things; the prices are outrageous for such a dumb item.
Hmmmm, I did not plan on removing the grille if I can get to the 3 bottom supports that need to be drilled I would do it on the car.
I will study this mess close up tomorrow!
Then take the hair dryer out to your work area and warm it up in position. Just get it warm, not hot, and only heat a little spot at a time. Don't use a heat gun. It may be too much concentrated heat and warp or melt something. Hair dryers are easy to regulate, as evidenced by millions of women whose scalps aren't blistered because their hair caught fire.
Seriously, I use my disco-era Norelco "Gotcha Gun 1200" hair dryer more than I use my Milwaukee heat gun. That thing is like a famliy heirloom; it got both my sisters through high school in the big-hair 1980s. Mom used it too. It's got a lot of miles on it. It looks like this NOS one, only way more abused: