Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Drivers side top is bout done, but I may be loosin the body line towards the front, will know for sure when I sand the bottom! [smilie=e:


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Now, that I've got that pile outta the way, the old addage you gets what you pays for, seems to have great meaning when it comes to paint! if I was a better painter I bet I coulda covered nice in one coat(over Gray primer) took me 2 but this is much more like my old color, the ole rustinager is a happy camper!


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Shot with the new cheapie gun, no major problems first time out, got a little drippage on the edge, hopefully will sand out without ruining the paint! [smilie=e:


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I'm goin NUTS here, gonna freak me out big time not being able to shoot the final coat & clear it till it's put together, am friggen dying to see it with clear!!!!!!!!!!! [smilie=e: Rich.

Da Hood!


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Thanks jes!
Beeper, trying desperately to get two coats a color on everything before it's too cold to paint, redoing the quarters is gonna take a while, the doors I figger i can do in the garage over the winter, fit the parts up next spring & shoot the whole outside at once, one more coat a color & then 2 or 3 of clear! may finish off the backs of the parts if time(&weather) allow this year???? Rich.
That is good you got rid of the omni. There epoxy and polyester are excellent. What are you shootin gthen a BC/CC or a CC over a SS? I always use a polyester primer after all the filler work has been done. Spray three coats. It's basically a sprayalbe bondo. Spray three heavy coats and block with 120 to 180, be sure to use a guide coat whenever you are blocking, wheter it be filler or primer. Hope this helps.
The bill says ....DBCW/GL ... Custom**** DELTRON 2000
base coat/clear coat system .

I was using ppg K36 primer, it's def. urathane based but I don't know if it's polyester??? thanks,Rich.
Deltron 2000 will treat you well, much better than the Omni. K36 is a good primer surfacer, just not as much build as a poly primer.
Got a bit a sanding in here & there this week, put a bit a putty on the quarters tonight, if all goes well finish sandin tomorrow & shoot the prime sun am, sand that out & see where I am! this is gettin old ! [smilie=e: Rich.
A cool front just passed thru here today, highs in the mid/low 50's 'til..........????? :(
I Suck at body work, well I fixed bout a dozen spots, was thinkin this is gonna look great, got to the prime just before dark & got one coat on everything & 2nd coat on half & ran out, seems I created 23 more spots to work on [smilie=e: most I hope will sand out with the primer, god I need a seeing eye dog or somethin, just plain missin this stuff!
tomorrow I'l sand out the really noticable stuff, hit it with some prime than start blockin,AGAIN!!! [smilie=e: Rich.
Oh yea! the parts felt like glass, shot the primer & took a good look before it dried! holy moses, mostly sanding ridges near the body line, a big void in the new putty work(just plain missed it) & a chunk a somethin I pulled off after the first coat & made a big crater(its really tiny but looks like the rock a gilbralter was pulled out!)
maybe it will look better in the am after a break from it,was hopin to shoot color but don't wanna waste the liquid gold! the clock is tickin, that makes it worse, really wanted to seal it for winter, hopefully it will still happen! time will tell! [smilie=a: Rich.
Looking good, however with all the work you've put into just the paint, I think I'm going to pay someone to do the body work (other than the welding I can do that) and save the frustration and the $$$ (I'm sure I'd have to paint and sand twice as often as you have) The only thing is that I'd have to give in on the "I redid the whole car myself" factor [smilie=e:
Not lookin to impress anyone (but myself) just after doin all the grunt work, no way to I want to give out the glory job! [smilie=e: I don't regret that!
Today we worked the body lines on the quarters, dinged a few more hi spots & were close(again???)


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Since then I shot anoter coat on the quarters & went heavy on the lines, he just stopped back over, wanted to sand em out, I had to decline,(he is much younger than I) but we looked em over pretty good & think the rest can be done wet sandin, so there's still hope for color before ole Frosty visits! [smilie=e: Rich.


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