Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

I'm getting turned on...

why does everything cool invoke the rigidity of youth?

Omni, was a little dissapointed when I talked to the ppg salesperson today, told me it was cheaper paint, not as many solids in it, I never asked for cheap! but just gotta do more coats, results are supposed to be the same??????????????
DO NOT USE THE OMNI CLEAR! It has a yellow tint to it. Don't ask me how I know this.
Oh yah. It looks great Rusty. Bet it feels good to see some color on her.
[smilie=2: It's already on the bottom, got most of the gallon left!
does it turn yellow later, or right from the get go???? looks pretty good so far ? Rich.
I guess I over reacted. I have a buddy who used it on a white car and it gave the paint a yellow tint right from the get go. He did use it on dark cars but only until what he had, had been used up.

The Omni clear is a pretty good clear actually in my opinion. I wouldn't use the Base on anything. It just doesn't cover as nice. But it will cover.
Guess I could ask, well I WILL ask, if I can shoot ppg over the omni next time I'm in the paint shop, I wish they woulda at least explained the differences to me when I ordered it, I just said mix up E7 & thats what they gave me, no mention of brands, options, nothin!
If not on this car, the 74 will definatly have a choice! Rich.

bought a little spray bomb thingie & tested it tonight, nice & small sprayed into the receses with it, messy but at least I can get some paint in there! Rich.


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ROFL rusty head for sears or something and pick yourself up whats is known as a body touchup gun..about 30-50$ for a good one..there nice and small and work KILLER for small areas and getting into "tight" spots...ideal for shooting things like window sill edges and door interior areas
Got one 69.5, with the damn hose i cant get in the receses under the quarters or deck area , this little thing will do it, just not to even! but I just want some paint on in there, no biggie!
K, i know it's late, but whats more important postin pics or gettin some color on this baby, never mind don't answer! [smilie=e:
here's the bottom with a couple a coats a clear!


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got 2 coats on the guarters, a full coat on the interior & trunk & second coated some of it, I don't even remember what now, my head may clear by tomorrow, if not I'll just look for the light spots! [smilie=e:


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Got at least 3 coats on the eng bay, if I don't destroy it tryin to sand out a few drips it will get a healthy dousing in clear tomorrow! [smilie=e:


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sanded out the rear valence the other nite, so that got 2 coats, still gotta final sand the hood,header, front val, & the fenders, will try and seed em in as i finish up the shell!
What a day, started early, got a jersey nuts visit [smilie=e: got a chit load a paintin done & still quit early! (& a full NICE free day tomorrow!) [smilie=e: Rich.


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Thanks boss, Me tired, let 3 beauliful hours a daylight go unused today, (after BS'n with the nuts for bout2) but just decided to save a bit a work for tommorrow, don't wanna get bored! [smilie=e: Rich.

