Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Those pics don't do it justice!!! You guys should see it in person, This man does some very nice work!! [smilie=e:
Steps back, way back to the wall & Takes a bow! Thanks guys, gotta go fertilize the lawn now, no, really- honey do- not my bs!!!!! [smilie=e: then more paintin! [smilie=e: Rich.
whip it out, take a long whiz and tell her ya already fertilized the lawn. [smilie=e:

or let XL graze on it for a few hours... that'll do it [smilie=e:
The Shell is happy, all sealed up for the winter,shot some color this am, sandin did mess up the bay, now it's 4 coats a color(& still not sure if it's dark enough) a little before & after, 4 coats, then 3 coats a clear!


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Clear from the "light" side, still looks a bit to red???


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The interior, 2 coats a color & bottom half one quick spray a clear, under roof just 2 color(over the por 15) more than ma ever put on em!!!
trunk got 3 color & hopefully a shot a clear everywhere you can see??? but now it's back to sandin, get the other parts a couple a coats a color before winter sets in! [smilie=e: Rich.


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Well worked on the waves on the deck area tonight, think I got those ok, started sandin the quarters after ron & Cman looked em over, I can't believe most of this didn't show up in blockin or in the paint! [smilie=e:
Hope I can get all this done before it's to cold to paint!


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K, well it's really not as bad as it looks, only one low up hi near the front that the block never touched & it showed me a droop in the body line above the wheel well, I worked on that a bit today & will glaze the low tomorrow, gonna sand out the roof(hopefully just a few sandin scratches I missed to deal with up there) & the lower quarters tomorrow, the shinny stuff did it's job, showed up the flaws , so now I just gotta get most of it off, don't wanna get it too thick!
(no appropriate smilies for this post?) Rich.
[smilie=e: [smilie=e:

Can you hear the little people singing? "Show car!" "SHOW CAR!"

you're doing one hell of a job Rusterbator [smilie=a:
You kiddin, I'm just tryin to get it to the point people will come closer than 10' before they see the "flaws"! [smilie=b: Rich.
Got a little visit to the paint shop in today, after a few excuses bout the omni paint & the fact it was the only mix that showed up for my color, a call was placed to ppg & a code for DCBW dextron 2000??? was faxed back, CUSTOM mix, well as soon as I heard that I figgered I had better sit down when the price gets calculated! didn't help, 350 a gal, this friggen paint better lay out like glass & cover like a tarp!
sanded the lower quarter & rocker on the pass side, ok there(well at least I think so?) puttied that low & just plain ran outta steam(& or enthusiam) still gotta do the same (cept the glaze) on the other side & the roof before I can prime the touch ups, just started to cover up the eng bay,trunk & interior so I don't mess them up! [smilie=e:
$350.00 or $35.00?
For $350.00 it better come with a few guys to help with the wet sanding too!!! [smilie=e:
List was 450, she felt bad guess cause she wanted me to keep spendin money there & the other guy(who is gone already) never gave me the info on paint choices & just gave me the omni,I guess my silver lining is I am removing cheap paint, if I was sandin this stuff off I be a tad(MORE) unhappy [smilie=e: that I won't be in a couple a weeks! [smilie=e: Rich.
STILL SANDIN! I may never get to try that paint, the guys were over last nite & said sand more, get most a that last coat a primer off & touch up if anything else shows(but I couldn't find anything in the primer) oh well , maybe a small test shoot on something tomorrow! dyin to test the new gun & paint, but don't wanna waste any of that liquid gold!
Gettin a bit frustrated here, [smilie=e: Rich.
Got the hood & the 2 fenders cleaned up today, hope to do a test shoot on those tomorrow! still sandin on the shell, got the top of the quarters pretty good, most of the buildup is off, but kinda looks like square one again, will try & finish the heavy sandin tomorrow & start the process again! [smilie=b: Rich.
K, before I get all sloppy I'll get the nasty stuff outta the way first, i'm still sandin the quarters & will be for quite a while, takin down the buildup & startin well I hope from sq 2??? [smilie=e:
pass side, still on the top sect!


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