Got a little visit to the paint shop in today, after a few excuses bout the omni paint & the fact it was the only mix that showed up for my color, a call was placed to ppg & a code for DCBW dextron 2000??? was faxed back, CUSTOM mix, well as soon as I heard that I figgered I had better sit down when the price gets calculated! didn't help, 350 a gal, this friggen paint better lay out like glass & cover like a tarp!
sanded the lower quarter & rocker on the pass side, ok there(well at least I think so?) puttied that low & just plain ran outta steam(& or enthusiam) still gotta do the same (cept the glaze) on the other side & the roof before I can prime the touch ups, just started to cover up the eng bay,trunk & interior so I don't mess them up! [smilie=e: