Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Jeeze, I'm loosin it, I was supposed to thank Charger man, it was he who was the other half of the we, saved my butt from sledgin the quarter, fogged em up & mostly worked the lines, then I brought my undercoat gun over to his place & got a few spots he welded in the rear rails & a couple of other spots he missed, got a lot done(between the two cars)& with the good BS while workin mucho better than workin alone, besides the fact I was at a loss , didn't really know what to do next on those panels!!!
Thanks Cman! [smilie=e: Rich.
There are "moments" [smilie=e:
but lately very few & far between
[smilie=e: as a consolation, decided to start up the 74 (been bout 2 weeks) so I let it run & charge the battery while I was cleaning up, gotta tune that baby, the whole yard stunk bigtime, but the ole lope a the cam was sweet music to clean up by! [smilie=e: Rich.
Looking good, you are a better man than I Rich, I would have given up after the second painting, and I am doing black on mine [smilie=2:
Finished off the sandin on the rest a the quarters tonight so if it's nice tomorrow nite i hope to shoot the prime ,loosin sat this week gotta go help my parents a bit, so maybe i'll sneak out early on the boss at work fri & get somethin done! [smilie=e: Rich.
Not a lot a progress, sanded out the primer & the lines are gettin decent, still a ton a sandin to do, need the weather to hold out another couple a weeks, or i may just shoot whats left a the cheap paint on there to seal her for winter,cleaned up the garage a bit, moved all my paints into the house, gettin ready for the next season! [smilie=s: Rich.
The verdict is in, I still suck at body work, took a half a day off & sanded everything down & prepared (appearently not very well) to shoot some paint.
but she's sealed up for winter, I guess closer to right than before, but still a ways to go.
had one other issue, bout 10 spots where the paint just blistered up, I think the acrilly clean didn't dry, can't think of anything else to cause that.
drivers side!


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those spots were on the roof & in the chanels around the trunk, hopefully just a sand out & reshoot???
pass side looks decent, still some sanding scratches I missed!


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& a new wrinkle, well actually a dent, how did I miss that, little off center to the rear of the hood, this one you can feel!!!
But now I can take a break for this stuff, rebuild my patience, she's been really testing me, maybe a little mechanical work on the 74, regroup for a while then start on the small parts in the shop! Rich.


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how did the paint blister?..wrinkly (useualy solvent not drying)or open spots (oil from hands or other source)that show the paint under it?
definatly the cleaner...had it happen time wait a lil longer after a wipe down...also what may help ya is hose the car off with an air sprayer to asure you that everything is off of it prior to paint
Cleaned up the shop today so i could work on some car parts, got a few of those cleaned up for paintin too!


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Mixed results on the paintin again, hinges ok, a bit a dirt on the header, hope that will sand out without ruining it, the rest of it came out nice, front valence good & rear valance blistered like a lobster on the beach! [smilie=e:


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shot a bit a clear too, the hinges are done, the front valence is a bit OVER done, some serious drippage there, but I think in the clear I have a chance a sandin it out & not have to do it again! we shall see! [smilie=e: Rich.


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