Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Thanks Vik, [smilie=a: hit the spot! Now back at it!
Stopped by Ye Ole Paint shop yesterday, gots me a gallon a base & a gallon a clear, will experiment on the bottom or a small piece first, hopefully in a week or 2???? [smilie=e: Rich.
STILL SANDIN! [smilie=e:
But I can't go this long without postin a pic, so here yas go, the same ole color, the same ole quarter, but I think??? it's done(till one a my mentors rubs his magic hands on it & tells me I missed a few spots [smilie=e: )
moved the quarts light around a bit to try & create a shadow on the body line!


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Laid the light on the ground for this one, I can't see anything wrong so I'm hopin she's good to go! [smilie=e: Rich.


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i personaly find grey primer a bit harder to work with when it comes to finding errors in the body work...when black primer is wet it tells all..lookin great tho

good stuff, Rust. You've really come far (shh... not that way sickos [smilie=b: )
[smilie=e: [smilie=e: [smilie=e: [smilie=e: [smilie=e: Time for a [smilie=a:
Here's to ya! or me, or hell abe lincoln, doesn't take much of an excuse! [smilie=e: Rich.


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Rum is capped, & I went back to work (on the car of course!) Now you know no grass grows under my feet(or the cars for that matter) so I just had to shoot some paint even though I'm still doin some bodywork!
So I started on the bottom, that sucked, runs, drips, errors & a few good spots, after 3 coats & some fancy gun handlin, its ok, a little sandin & good to go! [smilie=e:

Thanks guys!


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K,now that was really no fun & i HAD to see what I could do on a relativly flat surface, not too shabby laid out pretty nice, needs more coverage I'm a bit light here & there but I'm REALLY happy with the results, not gonna have to buy another gun , did show me a few waves but thats why the guys recomended shootin a bit a shiny stuff, to make it easy to find my bad spots!
Oh! & not one drip or run in 3 coats on the roof & deck area! [smilie=e: Rich.


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shot one more color coat & 2 coats a clear on the bottom, she's a little lighter than I'd like(almost candy apple lookin) but good for the tar scrappin area,but I will shoot more coats up top, but the clear was pretty nice to shoot, hit the underside a the roof, a bit of the rear seat section with a coat of color & called it a (long) day, those nooks & cranies are killin me, I need a diptank! blew through almost a gallon a color already, gonna take 3 I think??? Dats a lot a paint!

bit dark for good pics, so I will try for tomorrow if i get in early enough, a little filler came in the mail today!LOOKIE!


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Starting to look like something again!! Good work!! [smilie=e: [smilie=e:

