Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

welcome XRuland.
I got lucky, a freind bought it & its on loan to me, there's a few guys that make em, seen em floatin round the web, post a Question in the main area(general board) & maybe someone will answer with a web site or a local guy that sells em.
What part of LI, I'm orig, from queens & got relitives in holbrouck, levittown, lyndenhurst, & a few other towns? oh yea, what ya workin on? Rich.
Nother round a sandin out drips & rough spots, started shootin the hi build, mann she soaks up a lot of paint, got 2 coats on the roof & rear deck, one coat on the quarters , the eng bay & again ran the gun dry under the trunk area, bottom will do with one coat, hope to finish that off & get the 2nd coat on the quarters in the next few days , then start blockin to see how much more work there is!
Pics, just imagine the last 3 in gray! [smilie=e: Rich.
I'm color blind, and lazy is no excuse ( nor is tired from all that spraying)
Just savin some space!
scuse moir, was just checkin out gregs car, see ya in chat in a while! [smilie=e: Rich.
RUSTY Cuda said:
welcome XRuland.
I got lucky, a freind bought it & its on loan to me, there's a few guys that make em, seen em floatin round the web, post a Question in the main area(general board) & maybe someone will answer with a web site or a local guy that sells em.
What part of LI, I'm orig, from queens & got relitives in holbrouck, levittown, lyndenhurst, & a few other towns? oh yea, what ya workin on? Rich.

Do you know the name of the stand your using?
I live in Manorville now(exit 69 on the LIE) used to live in Melville right off 110. GF lives in Holbrouck so that close to you family lol. I now working on a 71 charger
Next time I see charger man(69 charger under resto) I'll try & remember to ask where he got it & how much!
On to the last few days work, got 2 coats a hi build on the sandin areas, so the blockin stage is commin quick, kinda mixed feelins here, want it done but am a little leary of what the first quide coat will uncover???
For you color blind guys! IT"S GRAY now, oh you said blind not deaf! [smilie=e: Rich.


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exhaust end!
the gun got pretty gummed up yesterday, so I pulled it apart last night, that hi build is nasty stuff, but she shot great today, too bad I only had to do a load & a half!


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She's actually looking like she's coming back to life!!! Great job, now get a pic of her in the top banner!!!
mr340 said:
She's actually looking like she's coming back to life!!! Great job, now get a pic of her in the top banner!!!

What you said just reminded me of Christen (the movie that is) [smilie=2:
I was young when I 1st saw that movie n my dad has a 58 fairlane 500, so when I saw taht thing in the shop with its twin headlights staring at me AHHHH. Remember I was a kid so a 57/58 era cars all looked the same to me lol.

Nice job Rich, really looking great. Oh what kinda spray gun are you using?
Wow, my granddad had the same car, black! this is gettin weird!
the gun is a cheapy I got at the paint shop, 80 bucks, shoots fine, but I'm hearing when paint time comes I'm gonna have to go better, we'll see, gonna play in the interior & underneath first & see what the results look like!Rich.
RUSTY Cuda said:
Wow, my granddad had the same car, black! this is gettin weird!
the gun is a cheapy I got at the paint shop, 80 bucks, shoots fine, but I'm hearing when paint time comes I'm gonna have to go better, we'll see, gonna play in the interior & underneath first & see what the results look like!Rich.

Weird hmmm I'll give you wierd, my dads is black n red n my name is Rich also [smilie=2:
K, don't wanna know your wife or kids names, that would be too much all at once! [smilie=e: Rich.
So the foggin began, did a little sandin between downpours, yep, got some work to do, started on the pass side,kinda knew that would be the worst, here she is!


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so after seein that I HAD to check out the drivers side(my 2nd attempt at a quarter seam) this seam has no lead, just the putty I posted before, a wee bit better, highs & lows not as pronounced!
what you guys think of just shootin clear coat on it & goin for the painted pony look!(a LOT less work)!


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Man she is lookin GREAT!!!
I would gladly LOAN you my gun if you promise to clean it before you send it back!!!
You like livin dangerously Jo, I was brought up with a few rules, never loan your car, your money , your paint gun or your wife! (not neccessarily in that order!) [smilie=e:
My cousin offered me his turbine system, even he said I'd have to buy my own gun! [smilie=e:
Honestly I haven't really cleaned mine yet, took some of it apart the other nite & scrapped out the crud, i am gonna buy a kit next time I'm at the paint shop, then try & do it up right, now i just keep the tip & the needle clean! I'm still learning about this stuff! [smilie=e: Rich.
Your using a water trap right? On your air compressor line that is. Dont worry I'm using a JC Whiteny gun my self lol. Painted all my dads cars and the 69 charger I showed you guys. We sprayed emeron out of it to lol.
Actually I haven't set it up yet, use an in line filter right at the gun, my hose is hangin outside so it condensates also in some weather, when i set up for paint I'll use both!
Sanded 3/4 of the roof today, not too shabby, couple a dings showed up(away from where we worked) but I think another round a hi build may do the job! [smilie=e: Rich.
More colors! Ron worked with me a few hours today , got a lot done, I know I missed a bunch a spots but we got the main problems smoothed out!
the worst of it!


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