Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

front of the roof area, not too bad up there, 2 of the spots were not even where we did any work, just plain ole dings!
sail panel & deck area, most of these are where we did the patchin!
next week/end? I hope to shoot a couple more coats a hi build & try wet sandin(hopefully I'm close enough for that?)actually got a few days a work next week(just in time) so progress will slow a bit!but the bucks are gettin low so i gotta bite the bullet & do some real work! [smilie=e: Rich.


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Guess I answered a bit before I read your post, gotta see my folks tomorrow & sunday is supposed to pour, & the work(finally) for next week so yea, but only when I have too! [smilie=e: Rich.
man rusty are giving me faith ...that something really bad can be overcome..

hey do you have a pic of before?...just for comparisons sake
DD2, I got hundreds of pics, but only the one on page one of this car before I took it apart, from there its just pieces commin off, holes , more pieces & more holes! then patchin the holes, all 234 of em! (thats not a real count, but probably close!) [smilie=e:Rich.

Only real question is ......... is it worth it???
This one wasn't, but I had to learn somewhere, better on a clone than a #'s car, I was really discouraged in the begining, every piece I removed revealed more problems, tell ya though, I ain't afraid to tackle any body rot now,but also, I would rather NOT have to! there is a limit to how far one should go, but thats an individual decission, I would not wanna do anything this bad again, unless someone gave me a #'s challe T/A that is! [smilie=e: Rich.
Way to many colors showin to have any idea where I am next round a blockin so I shot some red primer, then I'll go back to the gray for blockin [smilie=e:


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Dang I'm likin that, ya sure I can't just clear coat now, dull would be a good finish for my work! [smilie=e: Rich,(it's even close enough to my color that I would live with it!) [smilie=e:
She's Gray again! gun shot great for the red, started out fine with the hi build gray, then she started shrinkin, cover the hole with my finger & blow it back & she'd shoot good a short while, well long story short, dragged my but in at 8 when I shoulda been done at 4, spent the last hour cleanung the gun, oh yea it was a mess, big flap a hi build was the main prob, but musta been an 1/8 inch a buildup in there, guess now I know why you gotta tear it down!
next time out she should be golden(if I put all the thingamajigs back right!) [smilie=e: Rich.
Round 2 has begun, fogged it up mon nite, finally got a chance today to play a bit, went right after the worst areas to see how we did, not bad, the hi's(red) I think are good with another round a hi build & a couple a lows i will test dolphin glaze(recco'd by KC) on, she's lookin a bit better, didn't finish the deck area, was mainly concerned with the quarter & sail for tonight! [smilie=e:


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got the wet sandin done last nite & this am, found some more work (of course) so never got to the primin, just played in the mud all day, friggen hot & humid, first batch(trying to mix real small amounts too) set too fast, second too slow, finally the third bowl of porrage was just right,but there all puttied & sanded, now we block AGAIN to see if I did any good! [smilie=e: I hope it's near straight!
body line over Q lip!


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Lost the bottom section where it drops down, it was GONE! [smilie=e:


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Pass side bout ready, little low spot where it meets the door & a dab at the corner by the quarter window, supposed to be sticky again tomorrow, maybe I'll tinker with the 74, see what else might work under the hood(brake shoes still not in at napa yet!) & prime her up sunday! Rich.


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Shot prime all day sunday, well after the misadventures with my sump pump, wake up 6am to the continuous groan, after snakin the pipes, clearing the check valve, still no pumpie, so out it comes & the replacement goes in, of course the fittings are different, & that changes the height of the check valve, so now i have 3/4 of my van in the basement but the new pump is in & pumpin a way! Clean that up(somewhat) & on to the important stuff!
Nother dab a putty on the rear line, sand that out & proceed to shoot some prime, hit the back a the hood & the drivers fender while I was at it!
Fogged her up tonight, that was gonna be it, but I just couldn't wait to see if I'm close, so a little later i went back out & started on that quarter, was being super careful round that line & didn't watch the lip, hit it too deep & exposed some metal, so I touched that up with a shot of selfetch & I think it will be ok, rest of the quarter(that i sanded) looks good, could this be ,another piece a the puzzle ready for paint, color time is gettin close! [smilie=e: Rich.


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