Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

I'm starting to get quite frustrated now, just can't even get simple little things done.
I put the gas pedal in YEA one tiny victory!
So I figure I can mount the rear speakers & get those wired up, well not so fast, can't find the screws, dig around in my extra screw stash & nothing great in there, a few I could maybe get away with, go to my old sheet metal stash & the
1"ers got it in, I do have 3/4 not sure if they would catch good yet?20230830_143424.jpg
I dug out the old deck cover & looks like even the 1" shouldn't be a problem, I thought I had the new one but that's another one of the back orders. 20230830_143406.jpg
I guess I don't need the old plastic spacers, the speakers had slightly smaller ones? 20230830_140054.jpg
Also noticed, damn, there's a gaping hole over the speaker, I will need to buy or fab some kind of cover, & after not using the one speaker I had that had 2 covers in the box I threw them away!!!!!!
Found a pic of the tray, looks like they were dropped in from the top, there was some kind of cover on there but I can't seem to find them either? DSC07348.JPG
One drawback to buying the OE-type replacement speakers is they generally don't come with hardware or grilles. Brand-name stuff will come with both, but at far greater expense. I don't care for the look of aftermarket grilles, especially since they suggest the car might have parts worth stealing, but the clip nuts, screws and studs can be invaluable.

Also noticed, damn, there's a gaping hole over the speaker, I will need to buy or fab some kind of cover, & after not using the one speaker I had that had 2 covers in the box I threw them away!!!!!!
I'm not sure what you mean about gaping holes. Are you talking about the cutouts in that thick blue home-made disaster? If you have a new package tray ordered, what does it matter? As long as you ordered one for rear speakers you'll be fine. The tray has slits in it for the sound to come through. It'll look stock too, instead of those ghastly grilles the speaker companies provide.

As far as backorders go, have you tried any other sources? Dante's shows them as available, so it might be worth a call.
I have them ordered at year one, but if they have slots I'm good to go, the way I read it was cutouts for the rear speakers, I assumed the ole dotted lines to cut around?
You didn't like his handy work, part of the reason I went black on most of the interior, there were 5 or 6 different color blues in there, what little was left looked horrible.

there's no rush on those parts, but I will check Dante's I can always cancel out at year one!
I have them ordered at year one, but if they have slots I'm good to go, the way I read it was cutouts for the rear speakers, I assumed the ole dotted lines to cut around?
No, there are slots that look like grilles as part of the tray itself. No cutting required, no dotted lines.

Well today was a tad better, my mechanic finally called my axles were ready, so I picked those up & dropped off the drive shaft for new universal joints. 20230831_124848.jpg
New parts are starting to stack up now.
So I then attempted to mount the speakers, managed to make a project out of that too.
Didn't feel secure with the sheet metal screws, so I switched to nuts & bolts, of course I couldn't find 8 of the same length so I had to cut four down. I found 6 cool nuts with gummy backs, but I needed 8 so 2 got reg. nuts!
& wired up, found a couple of places I could use wire ties to keep the wires out of harms way. 20230831_144520.jpg
Car didn't have the rear defrost option, so I used those holes, top side one actually had a zip tie there, not sure it did anything cause the speakers were never wired?
& finally taped some plastic over them to keep em clean & maybe a little protection till the cover gets here.20230831_145932.jpg
I haven't decided on a new harness for the bay yet, I want to lay it out & see what's been hacked up & how bad?
I think I do need at least the A/c harness, A/C did not work, have no idea why & there was at least one wire I remember hanging near the compressor?
I think I will buy a new engine bay harness, mine is really been messed with!
Start with the forward light harness, That I can work with, a few tiny bare spots & one set of connections that I can redo.20230901_145339.jpg20230901_145347.jpgI looked at the other side & there's an extra wire there too?

The BAY!!!!!!!
Looks like that extra resistor was jumped off the normal one? 20230901_150433.jpgLooks like he had a kill switch, that was all chopped up, but there's a bunch of other wires just cut & hanging? 20230901_150534.jpg
Not sure what this was yet?
The main, so on mine off the main firewall plug there's only I wire going to the secondary junction? 20230901_151710.jpgthe others go into homemade connectors20230901_150751.jpgI have a parts harness for Mr340, all the wires go to the secondary on his! 20230901_151621.jpg
Another mystery tidbit? 20230901_151811.jpg
Funny I don't see anything that would plug into that distributor connector, looks like the reg one is still on the harness, If I have any chance of going back to factory I will need the new harness, time to go shopping again!
Here's the problem with a wiring mess like that:

The previous owner made all these changes over time, and apparently all with yellow 14-gauge wiring. But each change, in his mind, made sense at the time. It all worked just duckily for him, I suppose, and so no thought was given to changing anything.

Now you've got it out on the bench and are trying to make sense of several years worth of changes all at one time. You can't even get in this guy's head to imagine what he was doing during one modification, never mind a dozen over the span of untold years.

Year One literally sent me a sales code this morning, but I've already deleted it. Their wiring harnesses are not discount exempt, so wait until you get a 30% code (this happens at least weekly) and order any wiring at that point. Personally, I'd recommend doing both forward harnesses (lamp and engine) just based on the disaster I see in your photos.

The "mystery tidbit" sure looks like part of the neutral-safety/backup lamp harness. That black one-wire plug is almost definitely for the starter relay. Hard to tell if it's a brown wire with a yellow tracer, but it looks like it is.
I have a code, get one every weekend now.

One problem, they have 2 for my year, one for before & one for production after oct 12,
Here's the vin, is the info there? can you translate?

Would the 10/5 be it?

Code is good till monday night.
I have a code, get one every weekend now.

One problem, they have 2 for my year, one for before & one for production after oct 12,
Here's the vin, is the info there? can you translate?

Would the 10/5 be it?

Code is good till monday night.
The scheduled production date (SPD) will be on the fender tag or build sheet

The last 6 digits in the VIN are just a sequence number, but that seems like a high sequence so it's probably not an early build.
crap, don't have either on this car.
You think if I call them (year one) they would know what the difference is & maybe I could figure it out from there?

