Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Good thing they got me up early, it's been a long day, started out I was going to do a few simple things, wanted to get the speedo cable in before the column, that actually went ok.
Buuuuutttttttttt while I was under there I saw this MAJOR blunder! 20230828_123700.jpgHad to drop the whole dash! Soooooooooooooooo while it was down I figured I'd better fix the U-nut holes, boy I didn't think I'd be welding any more.
made a small patch for the side that was GONE!20230828_132248.jpg
the other side was pretty thin, so I just ran a couple of beads over that.20230828_133300.jpg
slopped some primer on & took a break! 20230828_134545.jpgSomehow managed to get the dash back in, I hope correctly this time, I'm getting too old for these battles!

Doing all that with the glass in would have been world war 3!
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Now I'm supposed to be back to simple little things, figured I'd drill the new hole in the battery tray & get that support in, buuuuttttttttttt no, I go to screw in the bottom bolt & it won't even go in the hole, sheet metal squished into it??? 20230828_142322.jpgPunched it out from outside & just folded it out of the way & bashed it flat, it was almost Lump hammer time!!!!20230828_152833.jpgSure looks funky, new hole is a full 2"or so from the one they had in the pan! 20230828_152844.jpgFinally back to simple shit!
Cleaned up the throttle cable & the ground strap, which end does the rubber go on, fire wall or engine, it looks like it was crimped into one end?
Also missing one of the thin metal straps that bend over to hold the grommet in the firewall?
Might be able to make that?

& last but not least I glued the broken grommet into the gas pedal mount, feels pretty strong? 20230828_154148.jpg
I put a bead on the back where the plastic is missing? 20230828_154204.jpg
Now I'm supposed to be back to simple little things, figured I'd drill the new hole in the battery tray & get that support in, buuuuttttttttttt no, I go to screw in the bottom bolt & it won't even go in the hole, sheet metal squished into it???
Further evidence these cars were not lovingly hand-assembled by craftsmen: "Slam it home with an air tool, it'll hold!"

Sure looks funky, new hole is a full 2"or so from the one they had in the pan!
It looks like you used a '70-'72 battery tray. The '73-'74 unit has the hole right where you drilled yours:


Don't feel too bad about it. Even vendors can't get it right, reversing which is which, listing both as fitting all five years, etc. Most that come close list it as "1970-'71" and "1972-'74", which still ain't right--the '72 uses the early design with the brace further back.

Side note: The battery tray in your car would've been body color from the factory. It was in place when the car was painted.

Cleaned up the throttle cable & the ground strap, which end does the rubber go on, fire wall or engine, it looks like it was crimped into one end?
Excellent question, and I don't have a good answer. It's listed as "Not Serviced" in the parts catalog and there's no mention of it in the service manual. If I had to guess, and this is just a guess, I'd say the rubber sleeve goes toward the firewall. Why do I say that? The engine is going to have some movement, and the ground strap has other wires around it on the firewall. I assume the sleeve is there to avoid the braided metal from rubbing against other wires' insulation or harness tape. That's my theory at the moment. The Valiant's strap did not have it, the '74 Challenger was disassembled, and I can't clearly see if it's even present in photos of the '71 (but I'll check both it and the other '74 next time out there).

Also missing one of the thin metal straps that bend over to hold the grommet in the firewall?
If you're talking about this little doodad:


It's available from Hoffman's Winner's Circle, Mancini Racing, Bill Rolik, Year One, etc. The OE part number is 3462725, of which an online search will get you those and other results. I would bet everyone's selling Hoffman's part.
Thanks again, on my wish list at year one, waiting to build a nice order before I buy anything else, I think I still have a few BO's there , the hood scoop 360 call outs have been months.
Nope still there.
I was thinking of climbing up there & standing on it but decided to leave well enough alone!

Jass that pan looks way better than what I got, all the bends & folds on mine are all crimped up.
Good thing it's pretty much unseen!
I actually have one of each style. One came with my '74. Several years ago, a friend walked in here and said, "Summit shipped me this. I don't own a Mopar and I didn't order anything sheetmetal, but it was in the box. They told me to keep it. I figured you might be able to use it."

Sure enough, it's the early style E-body tray. That was fortuitous because as life goes, years later I would purchase a '71 and discover that the original battery tray is gone.
Still no shipping notice on the exhaust system, which will probably come when I get deep into trying to put the interior back together.
So now I have some dumb questions, why? because I'm a dummy!
1st do the rear speakers go in first, the jute padding is back ordered, I have the top "plate" for lack of a better term & do they go in from the top?
2nd, I dug out the gaskets for the gas pedal & throttle cable, gas is evident, but on the cable does it go on outside or do I push it in & put the gasket inside? 20230829_143636.jpg3, throttle cable is just held in by tension right? 20230829_135550.jpgPut the pedal together, glue seems to be holding good, on the outside there was a little play it might have backed out, so I added an extra washer. 20230829_135633.jpg
And finally when does the drivers A/C duct go in, looks like it might go under the steering column? 20230829_143858.jpgOh yea shot a clear coat on the pumps!

Noticed that one hole is bigger than the other on the grounding strap that might be a hint to which end goes where. The one where it looks like the rubber was crimped in is bigger? 20230829_143259.jpg
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1st do the rear speakers go in first, the jute padding is back ordered, I have the top "plate" for lack of a better term & do they go in from the top?
I always mount the speaker from the bottom.

2nd, I dug out the gaskets for the gas pedal & throttle cable, gas is evident, but on the cable does it go on outside or do I push it in & put the gasket inside? View attachment 26084
I think you'll find that the spacer is needed to hold the cable tight once it clicks into place - so it goes on the plastic piece then the plastic piece pushes in.
3, throttle cable is just held in by tension right? View attachment 26081
There is a proper piece for that but a black zip tie will do just as well - you just need to keep the cable from slotting in at the large hole because it will slip through if it does. I don't know where to find a photo of the part but Detroit Muscle Technology is where I'd start. It might also be mentioned and depicted in the FSM so you know what you're looking for. Or, just use a zip tie.
OK I'll check out DMT to try & see what's missing. I just ordered those metal strips for that & my missing splash shield that looks like another back order!
1st do the rear speakers go in first, the jute padding is back ordered, I have the top "plate" for lack of a better term & do they go in from the top?
While I prefer they go in from the top, they won't fit your package tray. They need to be mounted to the bottom of the tray. Yes, the holes look like they're shaped right. No, they won't sit flush. At least, none of the aftermarket speakers I've ever tried have (and that's been a lot).

2nd, I dug out the gaskets for the gas pedal & throttle cable, gas is evident, but on the cable does it go on outside or do I push it in & put the gasket inside?
The gasket goes between the smooth side of the plastic grommet on the engine side. On later models, it was actually bonded to the plastic. You will have to have everything in place as an assembly, then force it through the firewall until it snaps into place.

3, throttle cable is just held in by tension right?
No, it's held in place by part number 2465483. AMS Obsolete has them on eBay for $3.95 plus shipping.


And finally when does the drivers A/C duct go in, looks like it might go under the steering column?
I believe duct is the lowest part of the dash, under the column.

Noticed that one hole is bigger than the other on the grounding strap that might be a hint to which end goes where. The one where it looks like the rubber was crimped in is bigger?
As I said above, there's no clear answer to this question. I gave my theory, but that was an educated assumption. It stands to reason that the smaller fastener would probably be on the firewall, just because the engine doesn't have a lot of small fasteners on it. With no idea of the scale of the eyelets, I can't even hazard a guess.
That's the part you need. It fits virtually every thottle-cable-equipped Mopar from 1964 through the late 1980s. They never made a different one for any application. There's nothing special about the '74 Barracuda part, it just got missed it in the posted applications. '74 Challenger is listed, not that it matters.

Ignore eBay's miserable (and literally worthless) application guides. Those are only as good as the person selling the part... remember what I said yesterday about nobody getting the battery tray right? I go by what's in the factory parts books, not the aftermarket information.

