Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

BOY! even the simple stuff is taking forever, should have been a 5min. job an hour later it's finally in, front bends were bulging out & bottom holes would not line up. 20230802_125944.jpg
After grinding those off & pounding with a lump hammer I got just enough of the hole to get the bolts in! 20230802_131400.jpg
bracket I think goes to the rad brace I'll do that later, now to figure out where the extra 3 bolts go? 20230802_132907.jpg
Other side went a little easier, but I did have to hunt down a missing bolt for the heater valve!20230802_134946.jpg
The GOOP seems to be holding on the A/C drains, got the O-ring on today.
I think year one only has one size box, the jack bracket was the lone content! 20230802_142326.jpg
Even floating in paper, it was bent.20230802_142428.jpg
More like it! 20230802_142453.jpg
Rear divider also came, but not the padding that goes behind it! 20230802_142628.jpg
& finished sanding the light insert, got it taped off to do the silver, it seems pretty strong, been bouncing it around for a couple of days now? 20230802_145948.jpg
& shot the silver, now I wait for the Sem paint for the rest of it. 20230802_151044.jpg
68R/T is right, the brace goes to the inner fender. This view is approximately from the center of the K-member, looking up and forward:

Yea I thought it looked like that too, forgot to look again for the hole today, instead I went where no newbie should go alone!
Well the combination of running out of things to do & trying to get someone who knows this stuff taking forever I got out the book & started on the push rods & rockers.
Lifters looked good to my eyes? 20230803_145248.jpgSo I took them out one at a time, replaced in the same hole & dropped in the push rods.
Now the book said 200 inch Lbs on the shaft hold downs, My old torque wrench has that reading, but it did not seem tight at all, tried to set the new one (I think it converted to around 25'lbs?) but it went way tighter but never clicked???
So I backed them off for now & just laid the cover on till I figure out that new wrench.

looks like everything lined up ok, I can jiggle the front rocker a little all others don't move do I have an issue?

Then I moved on to the manifold, stuff some rags in there to try & keep any crud out.20230803_152010.jpg
Set the gaskets in, a blob of sealer in the 4 corners & just a light bead on top of the cork end seals, the manifold had a little pitting there???
Seems to have squished down nicely?20230803_155647.jpg
So I go to put my block off on, first notice I've got no studs & then the bolt pattern is off? 20230803_162030.jpgNow I'm getting nervous, but Jerry did mention I need an adaptor for it.
So I dug out an old varb & the inner 4 holes seem to line up, sooooo what do I need here, just a regular gasket or a plate of some sort & the gasket? 20230803_162428.jpg
Crap, lousy pics, the inner holes do line up!
This is what she looks like...........20230803_162040.jpg
looks like everything lined up ok, I can jiggle the front rocker a little all others don't move do I have an issue?
The rockers are going to be preloaded by the lifters, and with the shafts torqued some of the valves will be open. I assume your lifters have leaked down so you probably won't have open valves, but if you do it's normal.

So far, so good.
So in an attempt to get the other side done I thought I could use the shaft the was on the other side & just slide Jasses into those but started to clean it off & noticed it had extra holes & a slot, so that idea went nowhere. 20230803_170305.jpg20230803_170451.jpgThese & the push rods will be up for grabs if anyone wants them.
The holly dominator will also be up for grabs but that I will wait till the motor is in & running with no issues from the 71 manifold!
Now the book said 200 inch Lbs on the shaft hold downs, My old torque wrench has that reading, but it did not seem tight at all, tried to set the new one (I think it converted to around 25'lbs?) but it went way tighter but never clicked???
So I backed them off for now & just laid the cover on till I figure out that new wrench.
As a general rule, inch pounds are foot pounds * 12. 12 inches in a foot, right? Be careful, you can overtighten those.
Crap, lousy pics, the inner holes do line up!
Did you get the carb mounting figured out? That should fit any spread bore 4 bbl carb. I've got a couple of thermoquads from a 400 if you need one. I've come to learn that when a carb gasket or lift plate doesn't seem to fit it needs to be rotated 90*.
The shaft torque doing the division from Rusty's book is ~17lb/ft. The service manual shows 25lb/ft. I trust the guys that built it, personally. ;)

That carb will not work on that intake without an adapter. Never mind the bolt pattern--the Edelbrock is dual-drilled anyhow so it can be bolted on--chances are you'll have a massive vacuum leak at the secondary openings in the intake manifold. You can see how that area of the manifold bulges out in the photo with your block-off plate sitting on it. The square-bore carb will not have enough gasket engagement in that area. You could use something like Mr. Gasket part #1932, or Edelbrock #2732, which is just a plate to give you better gasket coverage. For the sake of linkage purposes alone, I prefer the Edelbrock solution in this case.

While we're on the subject, I think I've mentioned it previously but it bears repeating. You need something like Holley part #20-7 to properly adapt your throttle cable to the carburetor. If there's one present, you'll know by the two bolts that hold it to the throttle arm. If it's not there, your cable won't fit like it should, nor will your throttle-pressure linkage work as intended. Make sure you have one installed before you attempt driving the car.
On my train board (yea I'm doing this there too, the guys seem interested) someone posted a conversion chart & that showed 17Lbs also.
I did get the new wrench to work on the manifold bolts, but there I could not get it on 5 of the bolts, a 6ish inch 9/16 was all I could get on them, jambed that as tight as I could after trying to move a torqued one?
I'll order the edelbrock adpt. (summit good for that?) & post some pics of that side of the carb & the piece we pulled off the carb I turned in?
I'm gonna check with charger man & see if his wrench has inch pound settings & try that if so?
I don't know that I've ever been able to actually torque down a stock intake to spec. The four center bolts are nigh-on impossible with a torque wrench, and those are the first four to be tightened. I've almost always used a box-end 9/16" and hoped for the best in that situation.
has inch pound settings

a conversion chart

Somebody mentioned it up there ^^ but 200/12 = 16.67 or 17 lb/ft. You don't need a conversion chart. You just need a torque wrench that includes the range you need.

For example, my Craftsman 1/2" drive torque wrench starts at 20, so it is no bueno for that unless you're willing to go 3 lb/ft above the recommendation, and even then accuracy is questionable at either end of the total range. So I've also got a 3/8 drive that covers all the lb/in values.
I checked with my friend, he Might have a small one, will check tonight.
The new one I bought goes to 250, looks like I might be able to get it around 20 at the low end,
But like I said they went a few turns past what my old junker said was 200 in pounds, that's where I backed em off & they sit just snugged now!
Back to the carb, turns out it's a carter, 20230804_132910.jpg20230804_132925.jpgThis piece we pulled off the one I turned in................20230804_132939.jpgI have anothe , again don't remember where it came from, but it looks like it may have the adaptor Jass mentioned? 20230804_133223.jpg20230804_133238.jpg
tag is clean, what is this one, it looks close to the carter but no choke? 20230804_133255.jpgthe High rise had 2 spacers on it.20230804_133644.jpg
I have 4 gaskets laying around, & that's the 2 spacers.20230804_133830.jpg
Nothing but nothing goes right if it has anything at all to do with this car, loaded the PU with old parts & headed over to the DPW to dump it, well 2:30 in the afternoon & there already closed! 20230804_144516.jpg

