Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Probably be ready to hit the junk yard next week.
I also have a rusty set of bucket seat bases, I think there complete, same here as the wiper motors on shipping.
something good actually happened!
could not locate the dash mounting bolts, needed 4, digging around I found 2, had a third I could use but it had a different head, my friend was roaming around & tried the hardware store, came back with 2 philips head with loose washers, would get me by in a pinch, then he was at the body supply place, they probably had them but were no help at all in the quest so that was a waste.
I've been trying to consolidate boxes & finally throw away old parts that were already replaced, planning a metal junk run & already scrapped a bunch of rubber & plastic.
So going through a bag from left over door parts what do you know the other 2 needed bolts were in there, now I'm sure the bag with the original 4 will miraculously appear!
Do not throw out that windage tray. I may not use it right now but I've got space for it on a shelf.

Figure out what the cheapest way to ship it to zip 25705 and let me know.
OK, let me get it boxed up & weighed up, it shouldn't be that bad, although shipping has gone insane in the last few years.
I'm just happy it will be of use to someone rather then being melted down into a chevy!
OK boxed & weighed waiting on my son to figure out the shipping, if it's not insane I will take care of it, you guys have helped me a TON over the years!
PM me your full address I can do it myself with that.
Where do I start, I think my senility is getting worse.
Went in the basement looking for a box to ship the tray, noticed a bunch of crap piled on my pristine grille, so I moved it to another spot, well what do you know it has both chrome inserts which I just BOUGHT a week or so ago!!!!!!!
Outside I had one lonely one & thought I was missing the other!
Got the tray boxed up & looked around, not much left to do in the nice A/C'd garage, I may have to force myself back out & work a bit in the heat, so I figured I could mount the front discs & brakes, so I dug em off the bottom shelf & what a mess, ended up having to repaint half the stuff! 20230729_160053.jpgI will remove the paint from the brake area!
Got the plastic piece flat enough for paint & shot that.............20230729_134031.jpg20230729_152800.jpgThe more I look at it the more I think it's the wrong piece, could swear the radio has both knobs on the left side????
Does the radio go into this or in from the back?
Did find something else to putz with, this I bought from the same guy I got that nice grille from & friggen broke it on the way home!
Bought a repop for the other car, I'll see how the repair works before I buy another one.
Tring out that goop glue, couldn't get it to stay with just pressure as long as my hands let me hold it, so 2nd attempt I held as long as I could & then clamped it, then flipped it & put on the first coat or reinforcing fabric, see if it holds tomorrow, is so clamps will come off & a couple more layers of the fabric???20230729_162044.jpg20230729_164944.jpg
Well you saved it from being junk, not even sure why I left it off the other motor, is that poor guy in England gonna blow the motor?
Well you saved it from being junk, not even sure why I left it off the other motor, is that poor guy in England gonna blow the motor?
Yeah it's odd it was left off, especially since it takes special bolts to mount it (or studs). Maybe you didn't have had those, and that's why it wasn't installed.
No it was on the engine, that motor was worked "shortly" before storage, I pulled it off to look around in there & check the torque specs. I guess I just forgot to put it back!
Yea a fairly cool day, I got my old butt up early & mowed the lawn first, only made me sweat when in the sun!
Then I started bringing the front wheel/brake parts & tools out, sat comfortably in the shade & proceeded to mount the drivers side, caliper fought me a little but finally got it mounted.20230730_123819.jpg
Passenger side was worse, could not get the caliper over the pads, ended up taking it into the shop & squeezing it down, I hope I didn't kill it, after that it went on like it should?
Should have painted the surface by the dust cap I guess I thought it was a mating surface! 20230730_135359.jpgDecided to leave the paint on till I mount the wheels, back side will probably rust instantly.
stuck on the front leaf mounts, would have done the schackles too but the bushings are on BO at year one! 20230730_135125.jpgIf the nuts & bolts were handy the E-brake mech. would be in too.
Got 4 more layers of mesh on that repair, still flexes pretty easy, might try a coating of JB weld on the back??????
I'm wondering if the paint might be causing the stiction that gave you trouble putting the caliper on.

I'm not going to ask you why you painted the braking surface now, but I've seen people put sand paper between old brake shoes and the rotor, then spin that to clean up rusty surfaces.

The rotors on my GTI basically rust to the brake shoes when it rains. After a short drive they're back to normal.

I would recommend trying to find the thingamajig. It's got to have some purpose, right?
Got the plastic piece flat enough for paint & shot that.............View attachment 25832View attachment 25833The more I look at it the more I think it's the wrong piece, could swear the radio has both knobs on the left side????
Does the radio go into this or in from the back?

That is, or rather was, an exceptionally rare non-radio dash filler panel until someone cut it for a radio. All E-body factory radios had a rectangular faceplate that housed the knobs, dial, etc. The dash bezel had just one large rectangular opening, with a lower cutout that cleared the 1970 8-track's opening. There were no holes for knobs or thumbwheels as those were enclosed by the faceplate.

There are only four E-body radio faceplates of which I'm aware: 1970 Challenger (ribbed, with or without radio), everything else '70-'74 with or without radio.

This is the most-common unit:


This is the 1970 Challenger unit:


This is the non-radio version that yours once was:


It's unfortunate that yours got cut (as did, I assume, the one in my parts Challenger). They're literally worth hundreds of dollars in good condition.
BBB windage tray is in the mail!

So today was more of the same, Put a coat of JB weld over the mesh it did stiffen up some , now I have to see if I can get the front reasonably flat for paint?

Located the hardware for the E-brake assembly, will paint em up tomorrow, consolidated a few more boxes, now this is the second batch to hit the recycle bin...........20230731_151143.jpg
& yet the garage doesn't look less swamped! 20230731_154020.jpg
Jass any progress on the shipping?

I may have something useful for you when I'm done, I have a ton of extra gaskets, assorted rubber bumpers, hardware. if you've got a few ebodies to build they may come in handy?

