Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

I'm working off a 40 year old transistor radio, one of my early service vans had no radio, I had it hanging off the ash tray!
A few deliveries came, torque wrench which I will use a little on this car & they go to deep storage.
super zilla which turned out to be a super dud, I had to try, did much of nothing on the rust on those seatbelts!
& the proper bass blockers.20230721_131418.jpg20230721_132446.jpg
Then it was on to the dash, weeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllll, didn't start off too good, the new speakers don't fit the holes in the dash frame, last thing I wanted to do was cut up anything on this car!
old speakers were tiny compared to the new! 20230721_134522.jpg
that's the pass. side, worse on the drivers side, there's framing in that one. 20230721_143219.jpg
Had to dig out the sawsall to finish that off20230721_160824.jpg
Had to go back & cut a little more on the pass side, the magnet was rubbing on one side20230721_160014.jpg
Wires ran nicely over to the radio area with the main harness20230721_154527.jpg
Starting to look like a dash, hope it works like one!20230721_160213.jpg20230721_160304.jpg
I think these 2 blue ones go to the little seat belt warning light, found the schematic , it doesn't show 2 blue?20230721_154507.jpg
Lately nothing is going easy, figured I better get the new A/C vents, well it was a fight & they fit crappy.
The bigger one is decent, but just doesn't look flush to me, the small one is worse & the bottom is showing some metal, 20230722_143405.jpg20230722_143415.jpgNow the angle it's at may not be seen when in the car, I guess if it bugs me I can dab a little black paint on it. even the duct is off a tad, small one the clip catches the vent, larger one no way I could maneuver it to catch. it's about 1/8" higher than the vent? 20230722_145633.jpg
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Never got an email on this one, drop shipped direct I think, carpet & underlay, the underlay is nothing like what I got with the carpet on the other car?
It's kinda rubber mat like stuff, box weighed a ton! 20230722_130104.jpg20230722_130117.jpg
The goop also arrived, I'll put a blob of that on the back of the rivets & continue praying! 20230722_164821.jpg
What I'm hoping is that with the blue carpet & my blue strip on the panels that the blue seats I saved won't look terribly out of place with everything else black???
Lately nothing is going easy, figured I better get the new A/C vents, well it was a fight & they fit crappy.
The bigger one is decent, but just doesn't look flush to me, the small one is worse & the bottom is showing some metal,

Now the angle it's at may not be seen when in the car, I guess if it bugs me I can dab a little black paint on it. even the duct is off a tad, small one the clip catches the vent, larger one no way I could maneuver it to catch. it's about 1/8" higher than the vent?
I'm not sure what's happening here, but something's got to be installed wrong. Reupholstering the dash pad doesn't move the holes in the metal. The AC vents are supposed to be recessed; they're not flush with the pad surface. If you can't get it worked out, I'd suggest calling Bob on Monday. I'm sure he runs into stuff like this now and again.
& now that I have a real dash pad I can chuck the cheapo cover that car with the car & I've been moving around for 15 or so years! chopped it in half so it would fit in my recycle can! 20230722_130907.jpg
The pic of the smaller one is upside down, there seems to be a lot of padding inside the top of that one, but it's still pushed tight up against the top of the pad itself?

I actually took one out & tried to reverse it even though I did that the first time I laid them in to see, they can't go the other way the ducts won't go.
This is what they should look like installed:


That's an original dash pad, not my reupholstered one from ABC. I got curious about that, though, and compared the two. I have a similar problem on mine. It almost seems like the structure moved down during the vacuum-forming process and the padding is off a scosche. Also, the foam backing is too thick in that area. I did get mine installed (and then removed them for the above photo) but a little work will be involved to get the fit I want.
From what I can see, trimming the pad material away from around the bolt holes should help, as might rat-tail filing the bolt holes themselves to allow the vent to sit lower. A little trimming of the upper area might be required, but do anything there with extreme care. The problem is not insurmountable by any means, though.

If you're going to make any cuts, make sure you use a brand-new X-Acto blade (so it's sharp) and don't make any sharp inside corners or overcuts. Do the corners first; change the blade after each one if you must. Patience is a virtue here; a sharp inside corner or overcut will eventually become a crack. If you're paranoid about corners, find an old .38 or .45 handgun shell casing. Sand or file around the edge to make it a little sharper. Rest it on the vinyl and hit it with a hammer. It should puncture the vinyl cleanly, making a nice, round hole. Connect that hole with any others using straight cuts. Voilà!
I had already trimmed the back of where that metal was showing, it was pushing the vent up of all things. I was afraid to even touch the "fat" area at the top (behind the lip of the vent), guess I'll pull it apart tomorrow & do some dicing & slicing???????
I do have a nice big box of exacto blades ready & willing to help!
Well about 3 hours later I got it a little better.
I had already cut it away from the screw holes out front.
Today's starting point.20230723_114613.jpg
Foam thickness at the bottom of the big one20230723_121559.jpgthe really bad one20230723_121617.jpgI did my best to leave the leather & gouge out the foam behind it, did trim the leather a bit.20230723_125140.jpg
Still way off20230723_125314.jpgso I started cutting off some metal at the bottom20230723_130602.jpg20230723_132205.jpgWent in a little beeper but you can still see the gap & the tugging on the top leather.
I pounded on the mounting points to no avail, then got out the drill & made lower holes, but there was less metal on one side, poop! 20230723_133555.jpgAfter that I had to go back & sand down more metal off the bottom rail, this is where it's at, I may just call it good enough!!!20230723_135411.jpgThe big one I can live with. 20230723_132152.jpg
I think with the viewing angle from the seats, the metal might be hidden by the vent itself. You may well have to be at floor level to see it once it's installed. Then again, it's easier to paint it now, so have at 'er!
Just one of those little things that some rivet counter at the fri. night meet will bust my chops about!
there' s already plenty of defects in the paint for them to go nuts about!
I just say, did you paint yours yourself in the back yard!
Putzin around now trying to find things to do in the garage, got the metal behind the vent painted, think I can live with this now, if I had another 1/8" of metal on that lip it could have been near perfect! 20230725_150508.jpg
Then I messed with the rusty seatbelt parts20230725_144122.jpg
Got some primer on everything I could reach in there, will never be seen & hopefully never get wet again they are under the back seat20230725_150637.jpg
Not sure what to do with the 2 slide in ends that do show, I have some chrome paint, might try that? Moved on to a piece of plastic trim, half the texture paint was gone, shot a couple of coats of primer to see if I can sand it flat, good luck on that? 20230725_150529.jpg
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here's what I'm starting with.20230726_151431.jpg
After 2 coats of "chrome" paint! 20230726_152936.jpg
I'll wait a couple of days & then plug them in, see if the paint comes right off?
not sure if I'll go crazy on these, see if the paint sticks first?
OK guys, trying to clean up a bit, consolidate some boxes & get rid of stuffthat I will never use.
So to start with I have the windage tray of the 360 from the other car. going to junk yard if nobody can use it, it's FREE20230728_152929.jpgNext is a headlight mount should work on all 72 up ebodies at least. 20230728_152938.jpg2- 2 speed wiper motors, the one I started cleaning was working when removed, the other I have no idea where it even came from? 20230728_153032.jpg& what I think is a fader switch harness with an extra switch. 20230728_135715.jpg
All FREE shipping free on all but the wiper motors, I'll just ask for anything over 10 bucks!

