Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Went thru the 73 book again, I did see those plugs on some of the seat belt bolts but they didn't have much on the ebody's in that section?
So I finished cleaning up the bolts, ran them all through the die the car ones did not go easy & actually did some new cutting, the bolts I found almost went thru by hand, I guess their die wasn't as sharp? 20230715_151221.jpg
Well I have 13 bolts & 7 different #'s
Some at least look like the same bolt, guess I have to lay out all the parts & see where each type goes, some have longer sleeves than others & 4 with no sleeve.
On the good side I got the new rubbers in the quarter windows, one on the bench was a battle the one already on the car slid right down, I did oil both up. 20230715_142458.jpg20230715_142346.jpg20230715_142334.jpg
tried to work outside awhile, figured with no sun & somewhat lower temp. I'd be more comfortable, didn't last long I was sweating in no time but managed to force myself to get a few small things done.
Quarter window in.20230716_143311.jpg
& brought out the goodie bag of floor plugs, think I have more plugs than holes? 20230716_143326.jpg
Orange I know are for the shock towers, the plastics mainly firewall, the rest I'll fit by size.
Trunk done! 20230716_150207.jpg
Floor almost there's 2 small holes in front of the seats, no size plug for those? 20230716_150246.jpg
& then hit the puter & ordered a bunch more interior stuff from year one, more than half NOT IN STOCK!
My Backorder list is growing large!
this weather is killing me, 90+ for the foreseeable future, digging deep for things to do in the garage, so I took care of another item that was annoying me.
When I buffed the hood I taped off the front edge to save me from burn through, so I dug out the compounds & did the rubbing compound by hand.
line pretty much across the whole edge. 20230717_141251.jpg
Success! did the swirl remover with the machine & back to hand for the final glaze.20230717_145434.jpg
One more small thing done!20230717_151141.jpg
Spent the rest of the time cleaning out & consolidating a couple more boxes, 4 more to the recycle bin!

Came in to find the speaker wire & clips had arrived along with the locktight, will order the radio in a little while, pretty soon I won't have any more excuses I'll have to build the rest of the dash! 20230717_163900.jpg
the kicker is I need about 8 clips!
Bass blockers also arrived & I ordered the radio at vintage, no turning back now!
At least I'll have some inside work when it gets here.
The other day I put in a pretty big order at year one, carpet, package tray rear seat/trunk divider all the jute padding & roof insulation, trunk jack bracket & the rally mirror screw & nut-sert kit, well today I get an email the mirror kit is shipping!!!!!!!
My list of back orders is getting LARGE!
Now I'm getting pissed!!!!!!!
figured I'd get the speaker wires ready, rolled out a couple of pieces for the dash & put the clips on, went out & rolled out for the furthest rear speaker (with plenty extra) & then was just about to put the clips on when I realized I didn't want the extra footage back there, so that job ended.
Now my puter won't recognize my phone for pics all of a sudden? gonna try the ipad later & see if that's screwed too?
Then I went to put the vin tag in, trying to get everything ready when the radio comes.
Well neither rivet grabbed, so I glued the friggen thing in rivets & all on, when that dries tomorrow I'll flip it & drip some super glue on the back of the rivets & pray.
So how was your day!
Well neither rivet grabbed, so I glued the friggen thing in rivets & all on, when that dries tomorrow I'll flip it & drip some super glue on the back of the rivets & pray.
So how was your day!
An RTV type product on the underside of the rivets works best. GOOP or E6000 work best. Let it cure overnight and you'll have to chisel it to get it off.
I'm short a P, I used GOO on the topside, under the plate & in the rivet holes.
I was thinking I have some JB weld too, maybe that on the back side?
Ordered some goop, at the same time I had to order the bass blockers again, seems I screwed up & didn't read the whole description, I got blockers for 6" speakers!
So I can't build the dash till they come anyway.
I think I'll take august off!
Oh yea, puter/camera connection is fixed, not sure what that's gonna cost me, I not sure he even knows what he did?

yesterday I got the speaker wires ready, dash ones I could clip now I'll do the rears when I run the wires back there so there's not a ton of wire dangling around.20230719_145904.jpg
got the speakers in, now I wait for the radio & bass blockers , I think I can mount the pad on the dash now? 20230720_170625.jpg
Now I have to figure out how to get something clean & black on the old speaker (not using the center one at all)
but I think that nastiness can be seen through the cover! 20230720_170449.jpg
Hope I did this right? 20230720_170456.jpg20230720_170637.jpg
The vin tag seems to be in tight, the goo came out the bottom of the rivet holes, those have to stay in! 20230720_170512.jpg
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The speakers look good to me. The bass blockers for the 6" speakers probably would've been fine as long as you don't blast the stereo at concert levels.

I'll be gathering up and packing up your stuff later tonight (after reviewing everything I need to send) and I'll throw some black speaker-grille cloth in the box too. You can use that over the old center speaker and it'll completely vanish behind the grille. If you'd like to see what I did on my Valiant's speakers, it's in my "Signet-ficant Other" thread.

I've got:
  • Rocker arms
  • Rocker shaft
  • Speaker grille
  • NSS harness
  • Speaker grille cloth
But I feel like I'm forgetting something. If I am, please enlighten me. I'd rather not have to ship twice!
... and then what would be the use in having a stereo?
You want that setup, hit me up. I can spec that for you wid a quickness.

Asks the man with terminal tinnitus.
People die from that? Sorry about your impending demise. :cry: super blasting here, just loud enough to drown out the crickets & bells in my ears!
I like to tell myself that. Then I turn up a song I like, then another song I like even more. Next thing I know the neighbors' windows are rattling. Ooops. Maybe a 900W receiver in the garage is a bad idea.

