Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Jass any progress on the shipping?

I may have something useful for you when I'm done, I have a ton of extra gaskets, assorted rubber bumpers, hardware. if you've got a few ebodies to build they may come in handy?
Tonight I officially gave up trying to find that grille material. I tore apart everything and searched through two cars, twice each, trying to figure out where I stashed it. It's not in any of my totes, which is where I was sure I'd find it. I know I put it somewhere it would stay clean and not get sun-faded, but I've officially fooled myself. Everything else is handy and ready to go, so I'll get it out by week's end. Can't guarantee a day because it's regulated by how busy work gets, but I'll get a clear spot before Friday evening.

Sorry about the grille material. I thought I knew right where it was. I don't.
I should think so. Even a chunk of an old black T-shirt would work since the speaker's not doing anything.
Whatever you choose for the material, try to avoid anything that deteriorates excessively in sunlight and look for something that might withstand a little moisture. (y)

My first thought was landscape cloth, but I think that stuff's designed to fall apart and turn into dirt.
OK now I'm curious, I know Jass is a relative youngster from his post.
I'm hitting 71 in oct. retired the end of year after I turned 66.
So how many of you guys are retired now ?
OK now I'm curious, I know Jass is a relative youngster from his post.
I'm hitting 71 in oct. retired the end of year after I turned 66.
So how many of you guys are retired now ?
I've got 4 years to go at least and hope to retire at the same age you did. My work provides health insurance so I have to hang on until Gina qualifies for Medicare.
I'll be 53 in three weeks. My Dad worked his whole life so he'd never run out of money once retired and died a year later at 66. I may retire before I'm eligible and get by on my investments and selling off cars and parts until I qualify. I live quite simply (read: inexpensively), so it's feasible that I could bail in six or seven years.
I was self-employed so health ins. was always a drain, Medicare is great so far but I haven't had any big problems yet, the wife is dealing with Cronick pain (arthritis) in a few places, but so far has been covered well.

Shame about your dad, the last generation really tried to do things right as I tried to do, the crap I hear about the kids today, I worry about their future, so far my 3 sons are doing ok, the youngest is still stuck home, wedding plans pushed out with the prices of that & rent/houses these days!
I think you'll be busier after you quit with all the cars you have going!
My dad worked until he was 85. Would have kept going too but macular degeneration got too advanced. Died last year at 90 from a very rapid Glioblastoma. Loved what he was doing and was very good at it.
Me , early 60’s, will have to work until at least 70.
My Dad worked his whole life so he'd never run out of money once retired and died a year later at 66.
I've seen that play out over and over. I had a boss who used to ask me "what will I do when I retire?" My answer was always "any thing you want". He just couldn't see himself without his work, but they kind of forced him to retire. One day he talked about it to the wrong person and they took it to mean he was out. Then they kept badgering him to set a date until he left. He was kind of a PITA to be honest and they were tired of his argumentative ways. After he retired he used to call and tell me about working in his garden, doing yoga, enjoying his grandkids, etc. In about a year, he was dead from a lung infection.

I'm getting out of the rat race as soon as I can.
My Dad made it to 87, last 2 or 3 years went downhill pretty fast, He would have been much more comfortable, although what he ended up with was adequate, He had an auto parts store in brooklyn N.Y. motorcraft distributer, in the middle of the sale, which included 2 other stores & a couple of buildings his partner passed away, well everything went into escrow, the buyer couldn't wait. The partners son took over as salesman & sales dropped 30 K a month, finally got another buyer, but all the cash deals & side deals on the buildings were gone & of course the business itself worth less.
Then a few years later the buyers were going under, they already lost 4 stores & his was the last, so the mortgage payments stopped, he ended up getting pennies on the dollar for what was left.
Sad ending for a life of working 6 days a week for 30 years or so in that store!
Just found out my radio may be 14+ weeks out, sealing it up before winter may not happen, thinking of working with connectors at the radio now, so I can put the dash in & don't have to solder wires laying on my back! We will see?

Got a couple of little things on today, rear plate mount...........20230801_141730.jpgE-brake assembly in......................20230801_141749.jpgWent to put the O-rings on the A/C drains & realized I was broken, the other chipped badly, so I'm testing that goop glue, glued the broken one & taped that in place, then put a bead of goop around the other & squished the O-ring into it, hope it holds? 20230801_142515.jpgrepair on the light bar seems to be pretty strong, sanding on it a while & didn't snap it, JB filled most of the crack on top, a coat of glazing putty I hope will finish it off?
Back is nasty lookin! 20230801_145554.jpg20230801_145609.jpg20230801_154720.jpgNow I have to order more SEM paint.

Dug out a few more small items I think I can put on & not be in the way? 20230801_154816.jpg
Also talked to the guy who's doing my axle bearings, they have been there a LONG time, He's hoping for next week, we will see!
So how many of you guys are retired now ?
I became eligible for a "30 & out" option 22 yrs ago next month. Many times have wondered how I found time to go to work. Some sage words of advice for anyone contemplating retirement, if you don't have a hobby or outside interest that can keep you busy often-----FIND ONE. I watched too many retire and laid around doing nothing for a year or less before they died. Give yourself a reason to get out of bed. Keep moving & keep busy.
I had 2, massive HO train collection from Dad & the cars, lost the train room when mom came to live with us, most in the attic again, I did set up a corner of the garage for working on them though.
I would defiantly go nuts without them, might set up the trains in the garage after the car is done, they will then be the lone hobby left, do have the grandkids they occupy some time but not enough!
Give yourself a reason to get out of bed
No worries here - I've got a wife.

Sad ending for a life of working 6 days a week for 30 years or so in that store!
You could've been the real life Tommy Boy. Sad story indeed. He wouldn't have worked so hard for so long if he didn't enjoy the work. Heck he never would've gone into business for himself if he didn't love it.

Sometimes when something interesting is going on at work, I think why wouldn't I keep working, at least part time. I've been working from home for over 20 years now, if I could stretch that some, it would be tempting. But not full time, not after we're both eligible for Medicare.
I wanted to do part time, but service only doesn't drop the cost of operating & all the new regulations were just getting crazy so I went for a clean break.
I miss some of my regulars, other than that I don't really miss it!

