Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

OK no tag to be found, I'll try the thinner wash next time out, I managed to really screw things up today I shot the extra clear on the shell & a couple of parts & tried some touch ups on the shell, well I had drips & runs all over the place & I made small blemishes into big messes, the only things I didn't screw up were the header panel the rear valance & all the brake & fuel lines!
Story of my life - I have to get it right the first time because if I go back and try to improve it I will always make it worse not better. That is why I don't do sheet rock or bondo that won't be hidden.

At least you didn't mess it all up, you got that going for you anyway. :-)
So far the best pieces are the front & rear valance where no one will ever see them, I'm hoping the hood will be "good enough" & maybe the pass. fender, just the other 90* of the car irks me!
been getting in a little sanding here & there, got most of the hood up to 1500 still some peel in spots.
today I got in about 4 hours & was cool enough to work outside, got most of the drips & runs out, started taking down the messed up touch ups , here's the quarter after about an hour, you can see the original blemish in the middle of that dark spot.20220817_141155.jpg
had to get it all to that "darker "color...............
back to where I started, it's staying like this now.20220817_142629.jpg
C pillar is worse, been on this for 3 hours, I painted way more than I thought, this one's still in doubt if I'll ever get back to even colors, as I was sanding my patch was perfect cept it was 2 shades lighter than the rest of the car, trying to get back to the original clear??? 20220817_160231.jpg
Fail on the C pillar, ended up hitting some prime, so I tried that spray bomb of the B5 I bought, after 3 coats it just wasn't looking "right" so I mixed up a little paint & shot 3 coats with the gun, already see a couple of dirt specs & have no Idea if the color will match ,will pull the tape tonight or tomorrow & see what new mess I made! 20220818_161608.jpg
if decent than somehow i have to blend in the clear & not mess that up?
Not too much time today, a little sanding on a quarter, got that up to 800 so far. The paint looks quite a bit lighter on my patch, hope the clear darkens it up to match?
Also got that kink out of the new fender, most came out just pulling out the bottom & then a few squeezes with pliers20220819_105007.jpg20220819_105035.jpgit's starting to irk me a bit, but all the stuff you rarely or never see comes out nice, don't even have to buff the door jamb! 20220819_104109.jpg
So I wiped down a portion of that fender with some thinner & no paint came off, am I good to go or should I do it again with solvent?
first wipe pretty dirty.20220819_104758.jpgsecond wipe............20220819_104818.jpg
So with all that's going on with Mom I've been feeling pretty low. So when we got home yesterday I thought I would keep myself busy & try to finish sanding the hood, working the 2000 was going pretty well, most of the peel out & then I burnt through on a couple of edges, well that just pushed me into serious depression, not getting a break anywhere!
So I did some nasty touchups & packed it in for the day.
I've gotta come up with a new plan this paint job is killing me.
So new plan, see if I can buff out the hood without any more mishaps , so I taped off all the edges & the air inlets that get all messed up buffing.
started first round of compound on the left side...........20220825_145347.jpg
2 rounds on the whole hood, no mishaps yet!20220825_153944.jpg
found 4 little black dots, 2 are in this pick 1 lower left I think the other is where the light hit it? 20220825_154103.jpg
& a couple of spots with some peel it looks pretty deep to me I'm afraid to sand anymore, but this keeps me in the 5 footer class, that C pillar may make it a 10 footer!! 2 more rounds of buffing on that hood before I can declare victory.
Tomorrow I'm going to try just buffing the fender with no sanding & see what that looks like? 20220825_154125.jpg
So after a not so great visit with Mom I forced myself to go out & try that fender, now granted I laid down the clear a lot better on this piece but after 3 rounds of buffing it looks pretty good, not a lot of peel, a few black / dirt dots but if all continues to go well I may actually have a panel I can use.
Compared with the hood that I spent many hours wet sanding there's not much difference?20220826_155539.jpg
They be there ! If you open the image in a new tab lower left 3" off & 1" up from bottom

Gave the fender another round of buffing & against everything I just complained about I did another round of sanding on those deep peel areas on the hood, got some more out & am buffing those scratches out now, I hope I'm not pushing my luck (what little there is) over the edge!
So far the luck is holding, finished buffing out those sanding scratches on the hood & did a round of swirl remover on the hood & the fender, so far I have 2 pieces I can live with, on the fender there's probably a few more that would have sanded out but I'm not chancing it, I'll stick with a 5 footer !20220828_151912.jpg20220828_151929.jpg20220828_153153.jpg
One more round, final glaze & they are DONE!
Now the doors have serious tiger stripes,(dark row light row) So I started sanding one with pretty aggressive 400, that's where it's at now, stripes don't show too much when it's dull, want to see how bad they look buffed out, decide later about another shoot on those?
It's too bad too there's not a lot of junk in the paint on this. 20220828_161549.jpg
So today's adventure was the final glaze, wasn't sure how much of the taped over spots it would fix up........20220829_123944.jpg
Worked just fine on the hood scoop area where I burned through the last time..............20220829_124512.jpg
there's a couple of spots on the edges & near the air intakes I'll have to hand polish but not too bad.

Don't know what went wrong on the taped rear points, but I'll just brush on some blue & clear not the most visible area on the car? 20220829_131525.jpg
finally have a panel I can use, now I have to flip it & see how bad I messed up the back ! 20220829_131654.jpg
re positioned the fender to get the top, after 2 rounds of buffing the peel was too deep, have to sand this out, did a light 400 & then 600 & then pulled the tape, working 1000 now, no mishaps YET! 20220829_132543.jpg
On to an actual good day with the car.
Finished off the sanding & buffing on the fender, one part is near perfect, no tiger stripes, no dirt, just some light sanding scratches probably missed in the primer stage on the top section of the fender, but I will live with that! 20220830_145524.jpg20220830_145555.jpg
Now this may no seem like a big deal but after washing off all the buffing & sanding messes off the back I stuck it on the car for temporary place to hang out, no where near actually hanging it but it felt REAL good to see a shinny piece finally on the car! 20220830_155447.jpgOh yea I did the touch ups on that rear lip of the hood & it turned out ok so another bulit dodged!
I think I'm going to take a week off, 2 good days in a row without anything blowing up in my face!
Sanded out & buffed the header panel, this may qualify as a 2 or 3 footer, couple tiny dirt dots & 2 nicks in the front edge but you really have to look for them. 20220831_160203.jpg20220831_160210.jpg
Tail panel I'm trying just buffing for now, considering it's mostly under the car, after 2 rounds of buffing still a lot of peel but how much will it show down there.20220831_163145.jpg20220831_163200.jpg
But knowing me I'll probably go back & sand it before I put it on?
Should have taken that week off! So I did a few more rounds of buffing knocked down some of the peel, was starting to switch the pad for the swirl remover & then decided to do one more round of buffing, well another bad decision on my part was angling up the wheel to stay off the edge & went too far.
Dug a little hole! 20220901_111035.jpg
Dabbed some blue & some clear over it but can already see those edges of the hole will show!

