Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

Aging gracefully, what a crock, don't have a pill caddy YET , The wifey has one, she's in pain most of the time, arthritis & a couple of taking forever to heal spots one foot & one wrist. & she's actually 3 years younger than me?
I guess I'm lucky after spending half my life in 130* attics crawling around on the beams on my knees,
only one bout with bracitis (SP) & that healed pretty quickly.
Yeah you're lucky now but it'll come and get you just like it does everybody else.

I have the pill caddy for type 2 and cholesterol meds, magnesium, B complex, and an aspirin.

I only take pain meds as needed, and not so much then. My left foot always hurts and so does my left shoulder. I just learn to limit my range of motion and try to not get in a position where my foot might cause me to fall. I'm thankful I can still ride my bikes, but I'm not sure I'll be able to reliably drive a 4-speed any more.
I take 1 heart, one cholesterol , 81 mil aspirin & a bunch of vitamins.
I have some kinda downbeat in there that was picked up a few years ago that added a heart doc to my reg doc I waiting for them to tell me I need a uralagist (sp) , I'm like 2 is enough what can he tell me that you can't !!!
I have some kinda downbeat in there that was picked up a few years ago
That's why I take magnesium, well that and cramping. I had something going on where it seemed like I could make my heart skip a beat. I started taking magnesium and that went away. I'm glad I found a solution before a doctor got involved and decided to start cutting. I still get cramps but not so often.

Don't dread the shoot, embrace the suck. LOL.
actually seeing a new heart dr. in oct (other guy moved further away) have to remember to ask about that?

Picked up the clear today, will start getting the panels vertical again & then hope for a few cooler days to mosey on in here.

When I was working in those hot attics I used to cramp up a lot, now that I avoid the heat like the plague I get an occasional one but far less severe.
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A quick cramp story. I continued to ride my MTB during my cramping period. I would either notice one coming on and stop to work it out, or they would come after a ride. One time I had just arrived, and came to a small downed tree across the trail. Just as I stood up to power the rear wheel over it, a cramp bit me and stopped me dead, half over. I fell to the right, over about a 10' bank to the river.

As I went over I heard/felt a loud pop, and had to grab my bike as it went by to keep it from going on into the river. The pop was apparently my hamstring I guess caused by the cramp getting pulled out as I fell. I hobbled to a place where I could climb out, but couldn't get my bike up with me, so I was stuck there for what seemed like an hour waiting on someone to ride by who would stop to help.

Once out it was a fairly short way to my truck. If I'd been deep in the woods I would've been really screwed. I had to call for someone to come and drive me and the truck home because I didn't really fit under the steering wheel with the way I had to hold my leg. Before long the back of my leg was black and blue from the top where my butt ends to the bottom of my foot. The worst part was finding a way to sit on the toilet. There isn't much that can be done for a hamstring injury other than to tough it out, and It still gives me trouble.
That's a nasty one ! oooouchy!

Ok back to cars, this is like a family gathering where all they talk about is our old age ailments!
I guess the fact that all the "car" guys in my family all passed away young doesn't help .

Sooooooooo today I managed to get the hood & doors back vertical without any catastrophes, roughed up the rest of that fender & washed down the garage floor, if the plan comes to fruition tomorrow is the paint shoot!

On a good news note I got an email from eastwood, my AMD fender has shipped.

Now I gotta start bugging the engine guy.
Are you going to shoot the car before installing the engine? The owner of the shop my A12 is going to suggested it might be best to put mine back in after they shoot the engine compartment but before the body is assembled and painted. I'm pretty sure I've never scratched anything installing an engine, but there's a first time for everything.
Engine bay was the first thing I painted, as far as the rest goes it will be painted, but I don't know how much assembly will happen, after the parts in the garage I'm going to rough up the rest of the clear on the outer shell & give it a few more coats of clear. before I even attempt to wet sand & buff, I went through on that fender & one of the valances pretty easy.
then I want to get the front to rear brake & fuel lines in before it comes off the rotis. have to clear those shinny new ones first.
Then it all depends on what parts I buy, how long the engine builder takes.
Probably just pick an area & bolt on what I have that's not held up by a missing part.
No real plan, the other engine went back in after paint, I think the fenders were on, we didn't drop it on anything (important) ,nah just kidding.
Paint shoot went pretty good, didn't see any garbage in the 3 coats of blue, but on one door as I was shooting a spider drops down from the rafters between me & the door, as I'm watching where it's going I messed up my timing on the gun & made a big nasty drip/run area, managed to wipe it off & correct most of it, but I missed a smaller one at the top of the mess, for now it's staying as is till I see how this whole job turned out.20220728_135516.jpg
Hood looks pretty good, this time I shot the clear a bit heavier, no drips or runs in that did pick up some dirt here & there, got 4 good coats on, if I burn thru now It's getting put together & taken to earl shibes!(sp?) 20220728_135206.jpg
Other door looks good so far. 20220728_135247.jpg
fender has a couple of globs? on the side? otherwise looks pretty good. 20220728_135231.jpg
Drippy door! can't see it from my house!20220728_135428.jpg
So I also added an extra filter to help it not to clog up my A/C coil, hope it helped? It started out white! 20220728_141032.jpg
Starting to prep for the outdoor clear shoot on the shell, first I laid out the new brake & fuel line next to the old, gonna have some serious tweaking to do & some of the short lines have bigger fittings on them only found one of the old short lines & that has the small fittings, I guess i'll deal with them when I start rebuilding the brake system?20220729_131937.jpg20220729_132003.jpg
Hung em up for a coat of clear........20220729_134552.jpg
Now I have to give the shell a bath, the dirt out there in a few weeks is nasty!
then rough up the rest of the clear for the next coats!
My Mom who's been with us about 3 years now just had a stroke & was in the hospital a couple of days, didn't even feel like looking at the car let alone work on it.
Transferred to rehab today.

Got her settled in at rehab, at least She's in the same area as last time so we know some of the staff, I just hope the girl she really liked gets assigned to Her?
Her roommate seems nice & she's always cold just like mom, last time she had one that was the opposite always hot, so at least that's a plus!
So just as we are heading home my son calls & says there's a delivery for me, the fender arrived, now they were supposed to call at least a day before, good thing he works from home now.
Packaging looked much better than the last parts I got.........20220804_150637.jpg
& then a box in a box ...............20220804_150915.jpgEven with all that there is a small dent in the side at the bottom of the headlight area............
& a pretty good kink in the wheel lip...........20220804_151434.jpg
& of course it's right on the body line!!!20220804_151447.jpg

Actual bonus, head light mounting bracket, didn't even know that came with it? 20220804_153637.jpg
looks good hanging there, that's not a dent top front just the way the light hit it!20220804_151637.jpg
I ordered an AMD fender and it showed up packed just about like that. It seemed like part of their plan is to make it so bulky there's no way to stack anything on it in the truck.
The driver said he had another in the truck, not nearly packaged like that, I don't know how the quarter skins made it undamaged, 2 of them & some outer wheel wells & trunk drop offs in one box with a little packing paper between them???

Ok, I need to get the new fender ready for blocking primer, do I dare just rough up the black primer on it or should I take it bare & start from bare metal?
Good point on the quarter skins. I got a couple of them that had nice packaging but they were not stood up on a pallet like the fender was. I also got those years ago so maybe they just got tired of damaged goods and changed it up.

I know less than nothing about paint prep but I've seen replies in the past asking to remove the e-coat or not, and the replies that always made sense to me were essentially "do you trust that stuff to not cause problems later due to poor application in the overseas factory?" I do know that it comes right off with a roloc surface prep pad so there's not so much worry about damaging the metal while stripping it.
If the fender has a "Coated with EDP" stcker on it, and you can't wash it off with a rag soaked in lacquer thinners, you're good to go.
Just check for any obvious signs of delamination.
Scuff it REALLY well with either a new red scotchbrite pad, or some 280-320 grit paper.
I'll have to look at the back for the sticker, in normal operation does AMD E coat or just shoot some black primer to "hold" it?

