part-3..was a pretty big endeavor
imgur put the pics in out of order...too lazy to fix it
with the front neighbors house sold..things needed done NOW
building a 2ft extension onto the existing 6ft fence as its a whole lot cheeper than doing all new 8ft fence.
after a few "drafts" with old boards to see what would look good what wouldnt etc, a louvered type was settled on, the initial angle was changed from 4 boards to 5 for a 2inch underlap between the existing panels
now..heres where it gets tricky...fence boards come in pretty much 3 flavors, 5.5, 6, and 8 ft....due to the shape of the yard and the "where" we need the extension mostly it ment a panel arangement of 6 down the driveway 10 across the front yard and 6 down the side yard, the first 6 being easy with one section being 1/2 inch over 8ft..easily shimmed up, down the front on the otherhand theres not 1 but 2 sections WAY over 8 as in one was just shy of 10 and another just over 9....then the side yard due to it being an old cedar tree line means that when they came down someone put up a WONKY fence i had to engineer posts in places there wernt
overall, 75 8 ft 75 6ft, 22 "2ft" 4x4's and 4 "engineered posts sandwiching in 2x4's to the existing fence till it was basicly a 4x4, on top of that i also had to do some top cap work where some very old and very heavy clematis and honeysuckle drape over
things started with 120ft of 3/4x1/8th angle iron..$toFT of it vs simpson strong ties just made it about a 4-1 in it would have been around 300$+ for the pre made vs 100 for ones i made...
24 panels, 5 boards per panel, 2 angles per board, 4 holes per angle.....3 days of cutting and drilling and painting
my premade jig is ugly..but worked great especialy when i had to do the enginered posts in kept everything exceptionally uniform and was basicly assembled lazily across 3 days with no one really noticing it went up till bam a whole 100ft section is up
after id made a few posts i realised i should add additional "stops" on the jig to make it fool proof