The paint fumes have cleared so I'm
Don't be so modest... I've seen and worked with some pretty experienced bodymen and I'm just about certain not one of them would take on a project like this. It takes a certain kind of fella to want to do this work. Being a mechanic - not a body guy - and wanting to do this speaks volumes about the kind of fella you are.Well thanks for that. I don't know that I really have any skills that anyone else doesn't have or can't have. My dad has an extensive wood shop and he taught both my brother and I how to use that shop and the tools in it. As for this project, Its just a matter of applying that to this. As far as the coach work body. I bought a book, read it, and asked the guy who will be doing the body work how he wanted things done. The rest is just learning as I go and using common sense.
Most mechanics I know are all thumbs and no patience when it comes to any kind of body work.
Consulting with the man who will ultimately do the body work is a great idea! Trust me, he'll be thanking you for that!