I've been doing some re-org in the basement since the new year.
I was tired of piling my amps in the corner and I found that I was ignoring those on the bottom because I couldn't get at them easily enough.
So, I started shopping for some sort of shelf solution. I though about one big metal rack, but I really didn't want to look at a tower of amps. So, I decided to go with two lower cabinets and put one on each wall.
Here's one with casters on it.
Here's the second without casters. I'm going to pick up another set later this week.
I've also since replaced that Peavey on top with my 2x10 speaker cabinet.
And this is a shot of the corner with things in rough placement.
The gap in the corner is for a cart on which to put my recording setup. That cart showed up today.
It's a bit of a dark picture, but the top deck is adjustable. I'll put my monitor, keyboard and trackpad there. The middle deck will house my Mac Mini. There's a little cubby just underneath into which I'll put my audio interface. The lower part should be good for music books. The grey wings that you see are actually mouse platforms that I am going to use to hold my monitor speakers.
I've got to get a better power bar with a surge suppressor and a longer power cord. I'll grab that later this week too.
I'm doing my best to keep cables neat and tidy without strapping them in in too permanent a fashion. I'll be using some 3M cable clips on the back once I have everything wired up.
I should be able to squeak my mic stands in between the cart and the amp shelves and have them easily accessible.
The only thing that won't live in place all of the time is my pedalboard. I'm good with that because I am constantly changing it up. I can use my computer for any effects I need anyway.
Believe it or not (my wife doesn't), this actually frees up some floor space in that corner of the room. The key though was to make all of my amps more accessible so that they get used.