What are you working on?

Thanks Dippy!

While I was at it I replaced all 4 tie rods, 2 were loose, bought all 4 brand new, for $45 off of eBay, and threw a leveling kit in for good measure. Front end is 3" higher, it looks much better now, just need to get her aligned tomorrow.

I also listed the Charger for sale, don't have the time/funds in the foreseeable future to even start on it. Had a few hits, including one guy that wanted to trade me a '79 Vette, :dgt: no thanks. Hopefully I can get her a good home. I'll start looking for a finished, or almost finished Charger once I get a kid or 2 out of the house, or at least employed/in college or the military.

Don't worry Doc, yours isn't part of the package.
Glad you got those taillight working again. What was the stuff you used again?

And Dippy those little motors are so light you don't even need a cherry picker to pull them. My neighbor had one of those cars...dropped a valve and blew the motor. Went and picked up, and I mean physically picked up another motor, but it in his trunk and drove home to do the swap. Pulled the motor out of the car with just a HD fabric strap and his arms. Was a hoot to see. :)
I used some electrical contact cleaner I bought at Lowes and an a brass wire brush. I sealed the box up with clear silicone, like you would use on windows or tubs.

I pulled one of those motors in '95, it was a courier with 180-190,000 miles. I didn't use a cherry picker then, though I probably would now.
A friend of mine changed the engine in his Omni once. By the time I got there with my engine crane, he already had the engine out and on the floor... and that was a complete 2.2L, valve cover to pan. :D
we used to not have pickers in the you pull wreckers out here..so you would have to get seriously creative...and with half price days bringing a pulled complete engine down to 75$....you gotta think and fast...audi 4cyl turbo..dropped thru the front suspension..the trick was using seatbelts to lower the engine..NO JACKS allowed..hell back then no power tools either....now youd think ok no biggy..course now you gotta get it to the end of the row to where the forklift CAN get to it...youve gotta move it a couple hundred feet on BIG gravel...go find a honda hood flip it over as a sled and drag the engine onto it and then sled mule the rig to the main road...did that with an alfa 3l v6 as well

the most fun i had in a yard was pulling the 22r out of a toyota celica back in the early 90s..dragging it over 3 car lengths and proceding to shoehorn it into a corolla wagon to see if it could be done.....and what parts you would need to do it and IF it could be done with stock parts..i got there a lil after opening..i left a lil before closeing...and yes the 22r is a direct bolt in if you know what parts to swap and what from..combination of cresida, rolla, celica and toytoa pu parts......ive always wondered what everyone who poped the hood on the year or so that rolla remaind in the yard what popped into their heads seing a 22r where it shouldnt be
Spent yesterday morning doing yard work. Then in the afternoon, I took everything out of the garage, and swept/vacuumed/mopped the floor, put everything back in, did a burnout in the driveway and then had supper. Spent the evening doing some work on my work toolbox/install kit and then cut some feeder cable to length for work.
Makes me sore and tired just thinking about it truthfully. :D

it was a science experement lol...my girlfriend at the time had a rolla...and the lil baby hemi had tossed a rod and litteraly twisted it up inside the block..it had given no warnings of any kind...and yards out here wont let you buy whole cars once they go out into the yard and have left the bullpen....so...i did it all just to find out what it would take cause finding those baby hemi 4s was never easy and when you see 22r's in mass quantitys...it just made sense to atleast find out.....being surrounded by toyotas out there and having a 78 rolla just slapped me in the face of hey..here is everything you need may as well find out
All back together and ready for the road! :giggedy:

And Why? Why the fuck not that's why! :giggedy: *ducks* [smilie=f:

So after one good day of driving I managed to break off a piece of #3 exhaust valve trying to start it this morning. :doubt:

What luck eh!? :doh:

Well the engine I pulled out has a brand new cylinder head but bad rings in #1, so I guess I'll just bite the bullet and rebuild the bottom end of that one and do the swap again. :D

On a side note I'm currently tearing up my deck, making more parking space. :dance:

Driving around in the fields working up the soil in my Massey .... planting corn errr now planting soybeans.... cutting some rye down to get something in the silo since we ran out this year. Re seeding the low ground in the new pasture since it was washed out earlier.
Driving around in the fields working up the soil in my Massey .... planting corn errr now planting soybeans.... cutting some rye down to get something in the silo since we ran out this year. Re seeding the low ground in the new pasture since it was washed out earlier.

Farmville ??:hmmm:

