What are you working on?

That's the lower block girdle. It's probably bolted to the bellhousing. Essentially the lower half of the engine block.

No way to align it after you remove it even if you can take it out with the engine in.

Pull the engine, save yourself the hassle.
Dug some of my FSM's out of storage and organized my bookshelf in the garage.


Worked on our '90 Spirit - Put new brakes on all 4 corners this weekend. No more pul... pul... pulsating when we stop now. Sort of irritating though, I have a bit of pad knock on one front. If it doesn't go away, I'll yank the rotor and make them replace it. Stops straight as an arrow and smooooooth now :)
That's the lower block girdle. It's probably bolted to the bellhousing. Essentially the lower half of the engine block.

No way to align it after you remove it even if you can take it out with the engine in.

Pull the engine, save yourself the hassle.
Would have been nice if the Haynes (yeah, yeah I know but it's all we had) manual had said that! "Here's the piece. Undo a few bolts. Here's what it looks like out of the car." That was pretty much all the info it gave.[smilie=l:
Now I know. That job won't be happening for a while then.
If I recall, the oil pump also bolts to the bedplate. The only way you're getting the oil pump off is to pull the balancer, since it comprises part of the block and oil pan rail... the crankshaft actually passes through it.
If I recall, the oil pump also bolts to the bedplate. The only way you're getting the oil pump off is to pull the balancer, since it comprises part of the block and oil pan rail... the crankshaft actually passes through it.

Yup, you damn right it does.
Tryng to get my darn christmas lights up. I'm upgrading to true replaceable C9 LED lights this year. Tried to find clips to hold the C9 light strings securely, but no one locally had anything even remotely close. Everything is clip onto the gutters etc...JUNK!! I wanted the S or Z shaped ones that screw into the facia board. I had to order some on-line out of the good Ol' USA!!!

Clips arrived today, went to install them and found out one of my light strings didn't have even spacing between the lights. the distance between lights vaaried from 9" to 13". Thankfully they were a type that could come off and be re-adjusted. Just spent 2+ hours messing with those.

So tomorrow I be putting up 200 clips, then the lights.
well..the bad fish runs...the dist vac is shot..hook it up and the idle goes wonky rev it and it about stumbles up and dies..im sure she doesnt want it replaced either....not my problem..my jobs DONE..pay me and take the damn thing!

still a joy to put a bunch of love into a new engine and listen to it fire up the first time of its new life
Today I'm finishing up the work on a customer's dually. I r&r'd the auto trans to get it built, replaced the oil pan gasket and rear main seal, and swapped a better set of used injectors in. He wants the brakes done, so it's at least gonna be a set of pads on the front and probably a wheel cylinder in back. It's low on fluid, and I haven't investigated why yet.
So Dippy, what you doing to the 2.7. Got one of those in my 2008 Avenger.

Water pump, no offense to you but my experience with these engines you should trade off your Avenger while it's still running and worth something. Just my $0.02, These engine for a lack of a better word, complete shit. Probably Chrysler's worst engine ever.

If this engine succumbs to sludge of any kind, be it lack of maintenance or a leaky water pump quoting a Chrysler TSB, "If sludge is found inside the timing chain case the engine is to be discarded and replaced."

Almost 7 hours of labor on this one.

Dippy you poor bastard. :(

At least it's not a transverse mount. I hate them things....... :mad:

Thankfully we do not fix many of them, there have been about a couple sludged up ones and a couple of worn out timing chains that we have refused to fix.

This one started leaking last Friday so we took a chance and opened it up. Only 120,000kms on this 2005 Magnum. The engine is remarkably clean.
The reputation of those 2.7's made me steer clear of them when I was looking for a car for the wife. We ended up with an 02 Concorde with the bullet proof 3.5. Couldn't be happier.
The problem that most people have with the 3.5's that are in the Avengers is high oil consumption. Some guys have 1 qt per 1000 miles with Ma telling them that is normal. Not too many of the 3.5 owners say that they don't use oil.

