Pastor of Muppets
That's the oil-pump cover gasket. If you're not disassembling your oil pump, you don't need it. There's already one in there.Oh yea that Mahle gasket is supposed to be for the oil pump, which Don (Mr340 ) tells me there is none?
There is a gasket available that goes between the pump and block, but whether it's required is definitely debatable. If Chrysler ever used one they never serviced it; it's not in any of the OE parts books I have. Some Fel-Pro and Mahle sets come with one, some don't--Mahle's "heavy duty high performace" set doesn't.
I use very thin dead-soft copper shims, more because of trust issues with modern replacement parts than with Chrysler's original setup. Is Hung Chow getting the surface finish right on the mating surface? Maybe yes, maybe no. I don't know the answer. Copper only 0.0125" thick won't affect anything clearance-wise, but will still conform to the surface with no fear of blow-out.