Pastor of Muppets
The tumbler will do well for the stamped rockers. Been there already myself.
The cracked stud boss is one of the two for the coil. The other one has a bolt in it, almost directly behind it and lower in height. You could probably get away with stacked Heli-Coils in the cracked one to effect a repair if you were so inclined. If you're not going to keep it, you can leave it to the next guy. The Strip Dominator is an excellent intake manifold. It's a little more intake than you probably want, but it's inherently valuable. Give it a good scrubbing/bead blast job and it's far more valuable than a stock intake to most people.
Obviously, there's only one truly "stock" manifold for your application, meaning the actual casting number for that year. That being said, anything '71-up would look right. The '74-newer applications have an EGR flange, which can be blocked easily (you could even leave the valve in place and just not connect the hose). There's also an EGR standpipe in the plenum floor, which unscrews and can be replaced by an NPT plug. Once those are handled, even the late 1980s versions (offset small thermostat) are very good manifolds. I believe '80 or '81 is the first year for the offset Chev-sized thermostat, so anything 1971-'79 would perform nearly the same and look pretty correct. Other than the potential cost, I'd avoid the '71 intake for one reason: The divorced choke has a sheetmetal cup underneath it, which commonly rots. It's the only thing blocking the heat crossover from the choke and an annoying exhaust leak. Stick with the '72-newer units.
Any hydraulic pushrod application from 273-360 is going to be the same, with the exception of the oddball 1970 340 Six Pack pushrods (cup end). All the longer pushrods will really accomplish is adding lifter preload. There's already plenty. The number I gave I looked up at Jeg's, but I assume Summit would have them as well. I don't see a lot of reason to spend a ton on pushrods. If you can get nicer ones than the Comps I posted, like chromoly and/or seamless for ~$75 or less, by all means go for it. I think the Comps will be fine in this application.
The cracked stud boss is one of the two for the coil. The other one has a bolt in it, almost directly behind it and lower in height. You could probably get away with stacked Heli-Coils in the cracked one to effect a repair if you were so inclined. If you're not going to keep it, you can leave it to the next guy. The Strip Dominator is an excellent intake manifold. It's a little more intake than you probably want, but it's inherently valuable. Give it a good scrubbing/bead blast job and it's far more valuable than a stock intake to most people.
Obviously, there's only one truly "stock" manifold for your application, meaning the actual casting number for that year. That being said, anything '71-up would look right. The '74-newer applications have an EGR flange, which can be blocked easily (you could even leave the valve in place and just not connect the hose). There's also an EGR standpipe in the plenum floor, which unscrews and can be replaced by an NPT plug. Once those are handled, even the late 1980s versions (offset small thermostat) are very good manifolds. I believe '80 or '81 is the first year for the offset Chev-sized thermostat, so anything 1971-'79 would perform nearly the same and look pretty correct. Other than the potential cost, I'd avoid the '71 intake for one reason: The divorced choke has a sheetmetal cup underneath it, which commonly rots. It's the only thing blocking the heat crossover from the choke and an annoying exhaust leak. Stick with the '72-newer units.
Any hydraulic pushrod application from 273-360 is going to be the same, with the exception of the oddball 1970 340 Six Pack pushrods (cup end). All the longer pushrods will really accomplish is adding lifter preload. There's already plenty. The number I gave I looked up at Jeg's, but I assume Summit would have them as well. I don't see a lot of reason to spend a ton on pushrods. If you can get nicer ones than the Comps I posted, like chromoly and/or seamless for ~$75 or less, by all means go for it. I think the Comps will be fine in this application.