Pastor of Muppets
I think we discussed it, but when I paint headers I heat them with a propane torch prior to spraying. I hang each header from the forwardmost bolt hole. I get the primaries, then collectors, as hot as I safely think I can (don't want to see any glowing) and then run the torch head up the collector for a minute or two to heat-soak everything again. Sometimes I'll hold it up there while I'm spraying, which I cannot recommend due to the whole "flammable overspray and open flame" situation, but thus far I have not grenaded myself or even had evidence of flash. Remember the commercials for the game "Operation"? "It takes a very steady hand."
I'm really at a loss with your countershaft (Z-bar) issue. It boggles my mind that mine's a stone-stock V8 unit that went right into place with larger headers and a blowproof bellhousing but yours gave you such fits. Hell, I only went by what I thought was the right location for the ball stud based on what I saw, and the whole thing nearly fell together. Between that and the abuse you (apparently necessarily) inflicted on the primaries, I can't understand the hype over Doug's headers at all. They seem like an absolutely lousy fit. The TTi parts were a cake walk.
I'm really at a loss with your countershaft (Z-bar) issue. It boggles my mind that mine's a stone-stock V8 unit that went right into place with larger headers and a blowproof bellhousing but yours gave you such fits. Hell, I only went by what I thought was the right location for the ball stud based on what I saw, and the whole thing nearly fell together. Between that and the abuse you (apparently necessarily) inflicted on the primaries, I can't understand the hype over Doug's headers at all. They seem like an absolutely lousy fit. The TTi parts were a cake walk.