Hey Dumb Shit! Dumbass brake jobbers!

something i forgot-----there has been and have been times when i have ranted here and to the point where i have had Blood Pressure so bad that it clocks faster that Dustergirls time at Milan...... people here have never left me and have come along side and PM,D me or called and have written on the board. and there have been times when someone has said we dont understand what he said and he is all over the place. -- i thank you all for alighning yourselves in one way or the other. i beileve that is what makes this place what it is. when one of us flips sometimes we can forget what this world is all about. Thanks for being there when i needed PEOPLE. you guys were great when i went thru Cancer and as you can see you all helped me keep my humour-- you guy,s --- all of you gave me water to drink when i was thirsty. i am not out of the woods yet BUT i can see the road------- Thanks.. and that is not even the right word to say about how i feel about it all . i hope someday there will be a word that can say it all for me....... Ed:helpme::)
what your coming to my shop? or is it i come to yours:bwuhaha::bwuhaha: when my truck gets out of the shop great. i,ll get ya an xtra large with the opening on the bottom right?
"If no, you have no reason to be insulted."

That doesn't fly. Just because I'm not a tech doesn't mean I can't take offence to someone bashing techs in a general manner as was done.
Possibly, but I wouldn't ASSUME that.:bwuhaha: (sorry, couldn't resist.)

I've "known" him to whatever extent you know people you never meet on internet forums for a number of years, going back to moparts and the year 2000 or so. I can't say I recall him being the type that irritates people just for fun.

Nope, and I wasn't ASSUMING that. Having basically only been really active here for the past few months, I was only going by what has been previously said about him in this thread. And now, I shall also STFU..... :toot:
Nope, and I wasn't ASSUMING that. Having basically only been really active here for the past few months, I was only going by what has been previously said about him in this thread. And now, I shall also STFU..... :toot:

Don't STFU-I was only making a pun.
Just because I'm not a tech doesn't mean I can't take offence to someone bashing techs in a general manner as was done.

Well, I guess you can if you want to. I guess I look at it like this: The world's pretty messed up these days, and there's plenty of offense and angst to go around. I'm not terribly inclined to take on more than I already need to. If you choose to take offense to statements made about an unspecified PART of a group you don't belong to, nobody can stop you. But, it is a choice and it is avoidable.

The other thing one can control is their reaction-if someone decides to take offense to such things, they can still react reasonably or they can get all retarded about it. Again, this part comes back to my point about having a reasonable reaction to the offense. People reacted to this as if he had personally wrongly called someone here out. That's just dumb-there's no purpose. If the mods, whoever they may be, think he's that disruptive then ban him and be done with it.
It comes down to his history with this kind of crap here and on other sites.


He's 25 now according to his profile. Not much has changed in his posting since he was 17.

Everyone here enthusiastically welcomed Jamie when he first logged on. Especially guys like Beeper, Stretch and Mr. Resto who genuinely enjoy conversing with people of all backgrounds.

Over time, he created the situation that exists today. Go back and read some of the posts over the past few years. I guess people are growing weary of it.
Wanna hear about some dumb shit? I'm a member on another forum, and people occasionally get into honest-to-god flame wars about FLASHLIGHTS. No kidding-I've seen them skewer each other over whether LED or incandescent flashlights are better.

Granted, it is a flashlight forum, but still...
Orvil, I wanna give you a hug. :xl:

As to the rest of it, looks like you all got it covered...and hopefully settled. I've nothing to add. :)
Wanna hear about some dumb shit? I'm a member on another forum, and people occasionally get into honest-to-god flame wars about FLASHLIGHTS. No kidding-I've seen them skewer each other over whether LED or incandescent flashlights are better.

Granted, it is a flashlight forum, but still...

Well thats easy led is much better:toot:
I don’t think I ever said anything offensive, out of line, or retarded in this thread. I also don’t believe I reacted unreasonably. I simply stated what was on my mind. I never used any profanity with the possible exception of “balls” and I never went off on some rant. And I surly didn’t go off on some witch hunt with the goal of returning with Jamie’s head on a stick.

