Hey Dumb Shit! Dumbass brake jobbers!

Hey DD, nice try, it is already out. :D
I have an E body one here taking up space.....
Hey DD, nice try, it is already out. :D
THAT doesnt mean when i sit down to have a coffee at your house or is that a nice way of saying I have an Ed body one here taking up space--see no respect:bwuhaha::bwuhaha::bwuhaha::bwuhaha:-HEY i thot it was funny- i was ROTFLMAO--- ok the leg broke - really- ouch:(:shifty::shifty::shifty::bwuhaha:
Is it possible to run out of pornography sites? Really? I would think you could just type in something like midgetwhoreswithFebrezebottlesuptheirasses.com and you'd hit something. :huh:
you could just type in something like midgetwhoreswithFebrezebottlesuptheirasses.com and you'd hit something. :huh:

oh man, you got me all excited... Typed in the link and got a "no results" page.

Ahh yes you're correct, I wrote it wrong. The question I haven't been able to disprove using all the mad power of google was; 'Why is water the only liquid to expand when frozen'.
It's one of those annoying questions. :)
Would you prefer the scientific explanation, or would "Because otherwise, fish would be completely screwed!" suffice?
Well the scientific explanation is the point, I mean as long as we're pissing bandwidth here.
Here's another, why are flightless (as dictionary defined) waterfowl (as defined) only found in one hemisphere?
Because they like it there?

Did you know that Glass is NOT a Solid? Yep its a Viscous substance. Learned that the other day. They also said that if you had a piece of glass standing upright for 20 or so years it would be thicker on the bottom than the top.
Glass is technically a liquid. Though my freshman physical-science teacher explained that to me, it wasn't evident until I bought a 77+ year-old house with some original windows.

