My left turn signal bulb in the dash popped on, and stayed on, while I was out getting groceries. It does this if a running light is out. Checked the truck and my lower front fender side amber light was out.
Got home and popped in a new bulb...nothing. Hmmm try another bulb...nothing. Go get test light...have power to plug so should come on. Checking out the tangs in the plug and they looked a little compressed. So grab a pick and bend them out, insert 3rd bulb and still nothing.
OK now I'm getting cheesed. So go grab a couple alligator clip jump wires. Test all three bulbs...only one was working. OK put working bulb in again, still nothing. Decided to test connectors while bulb is in socket. Had test light on the ground, and had power on one side. Then switched test light to positive, no ground coming into bulb.
OK so I probe the wire on the outside of the connector....still no ground. Now I figure it must be a bad splice or broken wire. So I start pulling the wrap off the wiring. Noticed that the front turn signal/marker bulb also used the same wires, so figured they must join somewhere and that would be where my problem was. I Got it all off all the way back to the inner fender and the big bundle of wrapped wires there...Still no splice.
I then went and got my FSM and started looking at the wiring diagrams. Appeared that there was no splice in the engine compartment. I went back out and was looking at things and then noticed that the front amber bulb was burnt out as well. I thought what would be the odds that if the front signal bulb was out, that the side bulb would not work either...well after a new front bulb the side one started working....[dummy]
So there ya go folks I learned something new today, it only took me an hour or so to figure it out. Lesson learned is....if you have front side marker light out, and a new bulb doesn't fix the problem...check to make sure your front marker/signal light bulb is in good shape and working properly.