Well yesterday I decided to pull the vacuum/power steering pump assembly. If you don't know they are a two piece unit that is attached and then drives off a gear in the timing case.
Got the pump assembly out and fired the motor up, no more noise! But I could still hear a slight ding in the gear train after my KSB cut out. What the KSB does is advance the timing some and increase the fuel pressure during a 1-2 minute warm up cycle. SO I thought maybe my injection pump (IP) timing was retarded to far.
SO today, in the pouring rain I might add, I advanced my IP timing by about 1/8th inch. What a big difference! The motor is was more responsive and just sounds better all the way around. Also the slight dinging I could hear in the gear train was now gone. I was running the motor with no KSB as well.
I then thought maybe I should double check the vacuum pump assembly and see if the noise would now be gone.
Re-installed the vacuum/power steering set-up. Got it in a fired it up, rattled like before for a couple minutes then got quiet. I was thinking I got it all sorted out and was pretty pleased with myself, but had a sneaky suspicion and thought I'd let it idle for a few more minutes. The noise came back...but definitely not as loud. I can hear it but it is not as noticeable. My guess is the noise was there before my whole fiasco with my IP and I just couldn't hear it. Now that I know what the noise is, and can pick it out of the other engine noises, I can hear it.
I'm guessing the timing was retarded too much with the new IP and was allowing the gear train to have a little more "slop"? or what ever you want to call it. So I will definitely have to replace the vacuum/power steering pump assembly.